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Everything posted by cwouters

  1. And when he is gay, as some here have suspected? And go with a good (best) friend in the tub? - We will see. I think we will see no sex.
  2. Traditionally, the tree remains in Germany until February 2 (Maria Himmelfahrt, christian holiday). Maybe this is similar in Russia.
  3. Somehow crazy. The girls visit a swingerclub, and what they do there, only see the other guests there. We, who end up paying everything, do not see anything. We can not even understand when the girls talk about it. Why always these Russians?
  4. No. They know exactly that we can see them very well in the dark. And only because of the difference color / black & white they does not go away. Main thing for these Girls ist: The money is right!
  5. It does not matter why they tie these grandmother- knots. It is important that they never cut off these long hair because long hair is prescribed. From the beauty industry. And what is prescribed from beaut-industriy must be done. Without thinking. Without their own will. Without courage to emerge from the mass.
  6. The Twins. This is how women look like who do not like their long hair. But they must have it because it is prescribed. As if they had no brain ....
  7. In addition, one can indeed like women because they play the violin. Or anything else special. What is strange about it? Nothing. The only strange thing is your opinion!
  8. You should to learn reading! I never said that i like Nelly becuase she plays the fiddle. I've said that she plays the fiddle is a sign of intelligence. That means i like intelligent women. Got it now???
  9. Ok, let's leave it. It is just so here that no criticism can be practiced. Everyone has "his girl" here. And is pissed off when criticism is practiced. What brings me to the question: Do you have "your girl" only here? How does it look in reality?
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