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Everything posted by hardon66

  1. I think Sasha may be having to do just that right now him and Dasha was snuggling looked as they were doing some rubbing Sasha took off ran to the main bathroom and been there for a long while.
  2. correct thats was what I was meaning. Dasha has no room but needed to be there with her girl it appears.
  3. Now a new twist Dasha says the hell with the bed and no hugs at 0700 she gets up climbs on the couch cuddling with her girl now 3 on the couch.
  4. One thing while under all the influences of drugs and alcohol how they can remain on point with this game of teasing but abstaining from going all the way. Amazes me looking at the bedroom no one is hugging and Dasha in blanket alone .
  5. Sasha cock blocking his apparent relative young guy all for the sake of prolonging the rooms views. It is a cruel game Masha and him are playing with Masha in total control. Then bearded dude climbing in bed with you dont help.
  6. Yes I assume more booze and food since all day they really haven't eaten but looked like regular eggs and cereal and made some appetizers cheese crackers and a meat but coming down from excessive drugs they appear to be starved.
  7. Slacking so much all the guests left and Masha Sasha Dasha stayed on couch
  8. Yes that is true he is honest just a drunk just broke a glass and has to clean it up
  9. Young drunk male guest is not even attempting to make us believe he will get any from any of these woman he passes out drunk all the time and when awake and drinking acts childish like now placing plastic mess from around a bottle or cheese on his head
  10. Bearded guy after Masha passed out on him from massage sat up for hour or so in kitchen by himself just looking at nothing like in his own world.
  11. Then when you watch them laying in bed for hours spooning and nothing Sasha probably cant get aroused so much drugs they end up taking sleeping pills to go to sleep a lot of the time.
  12. No apartment was empty all night then there was asha being massaged by not the new guy but the bearded guest as I was corrected, there was Masha and Dasha heavy kissing in bedroom then heavy petting between Sasha and Dasha. Nothing new just they have been kissing now.
  13. They stayed out all night partying returning nearly 0600 then partied more with petting session in bedroom ending at 1200 or so.
  14. This little room in bedroom is a restroom only not a hidden makeout spot yes they might kiss there or whatever but they do not go in there for extended periods of time together.
  15. New guy massages Masha on floor in livingroom and Sasha and Dasha tease in bedroom but she has gone to heavy kisses now but just usual petting in bed.
  16. This guy is not there for Dasha or her friend they are not even talking to him its Masha friend only Sasha and Masha talking with him
  17. thought so also but i would think he would go in there since she is just laying there not sleeping
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