Yes the new girl is on couch but she was on the floor went into the bedroom Sasha was not cuddling with no one seen her come in followed her out to the floor she took off her top to show him her boobs while she was in panties and then new guy seen what was going on then gave her the spot he had on couch and took the floor. Since him and Sasha looked at her topless in her panties. She is the sexiest one of all of them.
Have they been flashing each other before like they are now dancing she shakes his hand to flash eachother together she nopens her panties he opens his boxers
Sasha new young girl and new guy all in kitchen and new girl grabs at Sasha as he is walking away and pull hhim close and kisses Sasha. Then Sasha must have been telling new girl new guy must be getting horney he grabs new guys front of his shorts and pulls it open for new girl to see.