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Posts posted by msieurdam

  1. On ‎2014‎-‎08‎-‎05 at 7:39 AM, oceane17 said:

    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwéé y a eue du cul enfin c'est un début y aurait il eue une remontée de bretelle par RCL pendant la coupure cam ???

    enfin bref c'était pas mal !!!

    et il a un beau kiki miam alors ça me va lol !

    ;) :-*

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    Coucou Océane :)

    Ca te donne faim ?

    En plus il tient la cadence ce gars, Paulilto devrait en prendre de la graine ;)

  2. No sex, but she's on bath !

    (every body speack on Katya and Ruslan... but it's first time I see her in bath...)

    she actually bathes a lot. I've never seen him do it (and I don't regret it) but I've seen her take one multiople times and she stays in there for quite some time

    Neither do I.

    Usually, I see her getting up, having breakfast and getting dressed (but without bath, just man a little water on her to cool in the washbasin)

  3. This post ?

    She has some kind of psychological problem. She bit him and then hit him in a chest for no reason.

    In fact, she hurts herself....

    (I see my vid this morning)

    You think with it, I speak Russian ?

    Je jongle avec les mots en français, je connais pas mal l'anglais et me démerde en espagnol... C'est pas mal déjà, non ?

    Sinon, oui, en effet, en russe, je sais dire "bonjour", "au revoir" et "merci"... Pas mal, non ? 8)

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