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Posts posted by serg69

  1. Conversation is overrated. I heard them talk and it's not that exciting. LOL I heard couples usually run out of things to say after they have been together for a year anyway. As long as they have friends over

    frequently, put on a signing performance once in awhile and remain active sexually, they are still the best.

    On a serious note, I hear what you are saying. With new technology, nobody speaks to each other anymore.

  2. The reason we don't see the appartment because of the greedy RLC owners. The cluless people in charge of

    the casting are the same ones in charge of the marketing. They used to email previous subscribers before notifying when the new couple would come on board and they haven't even done that with Adriana/Daniel.

    Not that it matters much because I have barely seen them since they are either out or on the balcony.

    Now they don't even let standard members know about new additional couple and only leting premium

    members watch them. Maybe they felt bad to charge members extra $15 for some added features and decided to include new couples but I seriusly doubt that's the case. I have a feeling Diana and Efim

    brought them greedy bastards a lot of new members and now bunch of people are cancelling lately including myself so they are desperate, but going about it the wrong way. I guess they are relying on this site for promotion and feedback and don't feel they need to inform us about any additions/changes in store. The way RLC conducting business I wILL never pay $ 45 no matter how many couples they bring in.

  3. Didn't think they could manage to cast more boring couple thsan Sofia and Roman but they pulled it off.

    At least the other ones spend time at home. This one is dead just like pretty much the rest of RLC. I don't even bother checking them anymore because I know either they're going to be sleeping or gone for the day. The only interesting couple who bring any excitement and entartanining to watch are Diana and Efim

    but it's not worth to pay $30 just for them. If there is a casting, the head person should be fired for sure.

  4. Like I mentioned earlier not a bad way to make a living collecting a paycheck and paying no rent with cameras set up at your empty place while you are working somewhere else all day and just come home to get some sleep and occasionaly go out to the cameras free balcony to have sex. Everybody should be interested to get a piece of this action. There should be a lot of interested tennants lined up from now on.

  5. I think she is more emotionally dependent on him rather than the other way around, but it really doesn't matter. Seems like they are very quiet, soft spoken and drama free. Show more affection toward each

    other than the rest of the couples combined until they decide to fuck and then it's off to the camera free

    balcony. Tells you something when I got to see more sex from Sofia/Roman than this couple this week.

    Like I said, looks like they are really in love and care for each other, but hiding from cameras getting old.

  6. You didn't think they had a coMputer? Are you really being serious? That's all these tenants do all day

    is play with electronics and watch TV. I can't imagine what else they would do in their spare time. lol

    Maybe they would have sex more often as long as it's indoors and not on the balcony. Adriana looks like

    she is depressed or scared when she is all by herself. She needs some hot friends to come over. It's boring.

  7. Nobody got more active social life than Diana and Efim judging by how many friends have come over

    in a short amount of time but their place is not empty all day and they have parties at their place enabling

    us to watch them enjoy themselves and having fun singing and dancing. Nobody wants to see new couple

    working all day and then going out and just coming home to spend all their time on the balcony and go

    to bed. It's not really interesting to me. Already plenty of boring couples here. We don't need another one.

  8. The best way to get used to being in front of the cameras for the new couples is actually being in front

    of the cameras and not hiding from them. Practice makes perfect. Majority of the time they are not home.

    They have a lot of potentinal and seem to be in love so that's why it's dissapointing. I don't expect to see anything exciting from Sofia and Roman so I don't really care what they do, but this couple is different.

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