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Posts posted by gaelgamorkh

  1. 3 hours ago, bnvhdsh29 said:

    I hope at home she sees a chiropractor as he back must hurt for carrying the B4 apartment for nearly two months.

    That's where we'll disagree my friend.

    The epitome of "overstaying their welcome" and "unable to get anything going" hasn't carried anything. Don't get me wrong, I liked Holly and would like to see her return, but the praise and gushing over her on here is more a result of horrible recruitment than anything else. Laima, Cherry, Mel, Frida and Evelyn should never have been on RLC's radar, let alone been in B4 for as long as they were.

    I get it, the CamCaps wolves were starved for entertainment since the golden summer crew, so the nibbles we've been served would resemble a feast.

    Chiropractor? Nah, a belly rub and a "good girl" would more than cover it... 😉

    • Like 4
  2. 8 minutes ago, corvette84 said:

    I actually feel bad for Valerie. She thought Holly would be so much fun, But Holly was happy to go to her room and bate. Maybe it will change now.🤞

    Holly has been in the final stages of her stay for quite a while now. She'll only be focused on the final cash grab before she walks out the door, and only Valerie is a viable "business partner" after all the soap opera bullshit that has gone on in that house. I'm okay with that, and wish Holly welcome back without the drama next time. Valerie definitely understands "it's just a show" better than the others.

    • Like 4
  3. 6 minutes ago, mkm2222 said:

    wonder about medical insurance for the girls in RLC

    Spain has universal healthcare (among the best in the world), so no worries. If the injury should require any surgery or lengthy prescriptions, she should be able to prove she is in the country on a contract and RLC would have to cover the expenses (work related injury). Alla's injury should be healed in a few days with rest, cold compression and elevation of the knee. An orgasm or five will speed up the healing. I may have made that last part up.

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  4. 1 minute ago, bnvhdsh29 said:

    They are putting things in purses and putting walking shoes in bags so I would think so.  They also didn't prepare any food or decorations for a party.  I could be wrong of course.

    Those are also costumes for showing off to a people at a club.  If it was just for us I think they would just do like the B2 party and put one some black lingerie.

    I saw they left with wine glasses, so I doubt it's for a club. Seems they have their own off location house where they party, a big middle finger to the viewers...

    • Like 1
  5. 1 minute ago, bnvhdsh29 said:

    So what do we have so far.  Evelyn has a great drum majorette costume.  Mel undead cheerleader. Alla rocking great make up and got the slutty part of Halloween down pat.  Cherry the live action Harley Quinn which is a bit over done but really it's a great costume for her look and personality.  And Frida and Holly doing gender bent Joker and Mr Freeze business women.  The other girls will be envious at the end of the night as they will be warm and comfortable.

    Would give them all full size candy bars if they showed up at my door.

    They're definitely going out?

  6. 30 minutes ago, bnvhdsh29 said:

    Well, Holly would love to.  Alla and Evelyn have been slowly pushing some boundaries but it would require Sara levels of booze or by the time something does happen the heat death of the universe would have hit.  It's been entertaining to watch though.  Mel and Cherry have also pushed boundaries a bit.  A lot of lipstick was transferred from Mel to Cherry the other night.  Last but not least is Frida.  Enough wine and she gets touchy with Holly but she always slams on the brakes when Holly's hands start roaming.  She likes to use Holly to tease her boyfriend though.

    So no, it's not you.  A lot of the girls that did g/g things traded out in about a weeks time so the culture and norms of the house changed very quickly.

    In my opinion, the only chance of anything happening is with Holly and Alla. The realistic chance of it happening is close to zero with all the chatter and factions in the house. I have a feeling that if this gang get together with alcohol (and other substances), past problems will only be exacerbated and we will witness another ice age in B4.

    Again my opinion, but they should all be spending their remaining days proving they deserve a return in the future. So far, only Holly is on that list, Alla could get there if she loosens up a bit (a lot). The rest of them have zero interest in the project.

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, nagachilli2 said:

    We'll see how it pans out tomorrow when I think Mel will really celebrate her birthday...Young girls do this a lot. The whole fallout was probably that Holly's eyelashes were a nanometer longer than Cherry's on their last night out...It's a good job us guys all stick together and stay strong...😏

    If this was guys it would have been a shouting match, possibly a fist fight, then buy each other a beer and become best friends afterwards.

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, bnvhdsh29 said:

    Hitting the bullseye yet again.

    All good points as well.  You comment about Cherry is exactly what I have been thinking as well since that charcoal incident.  When Holly stormed off (after yelling things and throwing something at Cherry) Cherry took several minutes to go talk to Holly.  They really haven't spoken since.  Cherry probably just doesn't give two shits and has Mel so no real reason for her to mend bridges.  Holly on the other hand might think she was completely wronged and doesn't need to apologize for what was she said and throwing things at Cherry.  Then Evelyn and Alla get mad when after they went clubbing and you get a perfect storm of hate that feeds itself.  Few things bring people together like the chance to exclude someone.

    Holly went in to Cherry's room one night (can't remember if it was the same night, insomnia fucks with my perception of time) when Cherry was very drunk, and Holly was very stern in her tone and mannerisms during the discussion. As soon as Holly left the room, Cherry just let out a giggle like "fuck that bitch", and that's my biggest issue with her. She doesn't care about the house or the community, and I'm fairly certain that her and Mel have been fuelling Evelyn and Alla's thoughts as some petty revenge or something. Can't think of many things less likely than that foursome sharing nights out.

    Alla is a real conundrum, she was initially somewhat open to Holly's shows, so the "slutty" thing is only on Evelyn. She keeps doing show-like things, but she's unfortunately totally clueless without a mentor (*cough* Holly) and ends up with stop-start performances and loses confidence in her own ability/appeal. Stunning body, but doesn't know how/lacks confidence to do a show (but wants to). Like having a sports car and sitting in your driveway revving it in front of the neighbor. That thing has never been out of second gear, such a waste.

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