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  1. SPYING 1


    Live or Let Die (2020) - IMDb M.IMDB.COM Live or Let Die: Directed by Manuel Urbaneck. With Jan Bohlenschmidt, Manuel... Waste 🗑 of my time
  2. So when Donald J Trump was in the White House diesel was under $1.80 a gallon, diesel went up to $5.89 a gallon in Florida & higher in California !!! you don't think there's a problem with the biden administration
  3. Nursing homes are suing friends and family to collect on patients' bills WWW.NPR.ORG Debt lawsuits — a byproduct of America's medical debt crisis — can ensnare not only patients...
  4. Rick Scott targets Joe Manchin over 'reckless spending' bill, says Biden sent 'America into a recession' WWW.FOXNEWS.COM Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., is targeting the Democratic Party over its “reckless spending,”...
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