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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 14 hours ago, kalevipoeg said:

    On what experiences are your opinions on socialists and communists based? How well do you know those ideologies? I think your democrats are far from them, and I don´t believe that socialists or communists will ever be successful in the U.S. For the most conservative republicans, like some of you at CC, it would be worthwhile to understand and also adopt some liberal thoughts, it would open your eyes a bit and you could see the world in many colours, not just in black and white.

    I work with plenty of demon-crats, they don't like my GUNS, DIESEL SUPERDUTY TRUCK, they say guns kill people, no people kill people, I tell them that hundreds of thousands of kids are murderer every year by abortion, they say women have the right to do abortion, & tell them don't i have the right to own guns ?? 

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