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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 57 minutes ago, happyone said:


    Yes it is--if Bill Russel wants to take a knee as he did in this picture--that is ok by me
    Or anyone else who wants to protest on a knee or arm in arm.

    I agree with happyone, funny how in other countries people are proud of their flag. As Americans you have rights, but DON'T disrespect the AMERICAN FLAG.

  2. 1 hour ago, HermanS said:

    Although I enjoy Leora's masturbating very much there is something to be said about a girl getting absolutely plowed by a hard dick. We have seen her fucking on occasion (mostly her doing most of the work) we have yet to see her get fucked in the way that she deserves. Wouldn't the rest of you like to see Paul come in, throw her down on the sofa, and wear her out as bad as I would? She needs it at least three times a week. I guess I can just keep watching and hoping...

    I would have no problems plowing Leora 3 times a week, & that would be a bad week for me, cause i would like to her to enjoy my sex at least daily !!! But it wouldn't be uncommon to see me making love to her 3 times a day 

  3. 49 minutes ago, RAGNAR said:

    As for Trumpito to tell them to 'fire' the players,it is illegal,where does this come into play if you want to start stating laws and rights to a private organization? This is just the beginning of the end of our rights as american citizens,this is a non-violent protest,yet neo-nazis and kkk can rally in our streets freely without this much chatter? WTF is wrong here?  


    So i guess Trump doesn't have the Freedom of Speech to say those football players should be fired for disrespecting all the AMERICANS men & women that have lost their lives to protect our Country

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  4. 6 minutes ago, raul399 said:

    I sincerely do not understand what happens to me with Leora .. I have seen her for more than two years as she masturbates, how she dances, how she plays with her body, how she poses, how she caresses herself ... and always excites me very much, I can not control that desire or attraction that I have towards Leora .. is something impossible in my ... I usually change my partner two or three times a month, more than two weeks with the same person bores me ... I like to seduce .. and once that I have got my prey all desire disappears .. but with Leora I can not stop wishing her .... I think she has made us a spell and has us all surrendered to her feet ... but I love to feel what she me transmit ... God as I love Leora.

    Raul once you taste her nectar & conquered her you'll be bored of Leora just like the other women in your past:biggrin:

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  5. 43 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Does Phil ever take Katie out of the house to have some fun? These 2 couples are too young to be sitting around all day doing nothing. Maybe hit a movie, then get something to eat, have some laughs. They don't look as happy anymore with each other like they did in the compound. 

    My wife hobby is going out to eat, but it has to be a fine dinning restaurant, also she like shopping for shoes & purses. When not doing the above activities she likes watching TV.

  6. 23 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    Lol, Is there a guy out there that doesn't think he's the best at oral? The thing is we all like different things to start, during and when we're gonna come if it goes that far. So if your a good listener andgive your girlfriend or wife what she wants, then you have perfected it for her anyway.

    ASH i guess between my high self-esteem & my addiction to sex I'm very confident i can please a women

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  7. 4 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Yea, but you’re missing out on all that pheromone goodness! From my experience a smooth bald pussy sometimes isn’t so bald or smooth and those stubble hairs around the hole can be like a meat grinder. 

    I know sometimes i have to be careful with the stubble on my face, cause i can scratch the lovebox. If she has hair, I'll still dive in & perform the "ART of CUNNILINGUS" cause when i eat pussy it's an art. I didn't invent CUNNILINGUS,  but i think I've perfected it:biggrin:

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  8. 6 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

    Me too! Had a girlfriend who always shaved bald. It was nice, but a little hair down there feels better. Enough that it's soft. Sex with a stubbaly pussy hurts. My girl now just shaves the sides and trims the rest. I like it. Plus, there's the whole pheromone thing.


    I like a smooth bald pussy, like that i don't have stop to cough up a hair ball

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