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Posts posted by SPYING 1

  1. 19 minutes ago, groomy said:

    Yesterday they took a step in the right direction. And at once in two positions.

    1) Something happened for the first time in the house!

    2) They intuitively understood - just fucking is not enough. To this, Nina and Alan came yesterday, before ten days they fucked 5-8 times per day. Now they started doing themed evenings. For just a fuck - does not give a rating.

    If they are inventive. Active. Positive and cheerful. That may well not only remain, but also become one of the best. They have beauty and nice apartment. On the equipment they need to configure cameras (which constantly reset the picture and reboot in LR) and it is possible to change several angles. It does not bother me at all - that they spend some time near the cupboard. Believe me, they will put a camera there - it will be watched 5 minutes day. For there is nothing interesting there. And if they need to do something outside the cameras, they will do it, even if there are more than 100 cams in the house.

    But if the rates are not raised further. A good evening - once a week, they will not save the apartment. They are like artists or dancers. Why not use it?

    Ok - I'm sure girls are not lesbian or even bi (they do not look like bi/lesbian by behavior). But can live with it. Parties. Guests. Fun. Maybe the guys - they are hiding from the project.

    And availability. There are 5 people in the house. But the house is empty more often than single or twin apartments. Empty rooms will not earn them money. And do not give fun for us.

    While this is a company of colleagues (something related to dancing). And nothing more.

    Time to find new people for this home, I don't care to watch this house anymore

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