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Antisocial Loafer

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Posts posted by Antisocial Loafer

  1. She has no issue with being on cam, she's naked 99% of the time. I just don't think she's into Eric anymore. They never cuddle, they barely even talk. They sit apart, othen in different rooms constantly on their phones. The only time she goes near Eric is when she's popping zits on his back. Eric to his credit has tried to get her in the mood but she can play him like a fiddle, she gets him in the mood then shoots him down. 

    I think she just enjoys torturing him.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

    Renata, in the slim chance that some words from the forum may reach your eyes, I wanted to say that I fully support you.

    No one should judge you for what you do and what you are. Especially one who is essentially absent from the apartment and do not take part in the communal life. She only has words, you have your pride and freedom, and the knowledge of your inner worth.

    You may be disappointed - I assume - that the other girls who followed you didn't have the guts to defend you - but it requires an enormous amount of courage to express that freedom, so don't be too hard on them.

    Ilona and Tim are good and well meaning friends, and you could hear their advice if your heart agrees with them, but if your heart tell you otherwise, there are places in the world where a love life, and even a family life should you choose to eventually settle, protected by the law and most people's goodwill, can be had with a partner that you will be truly free to choose.

    So keep believing in you, and don't let the judgment of people who aren't in any position to judge you cloud your mind. There are people who are rooting for you.

    This message is destined to Renata in the off chance she reads the forum or has someone checking for her. It is the expression of my opinion, about her and her only, and not an attempt to convince or "convert" anyone who may disagree.

    Sums up my feeling on this matter perfectly. I really feel for Renata, she's been unfairly picked on by a bully who isn't prepared to stick around and back up her claims.

  3. 4 minutes ago, mikeusa said:

    dose anyone know what the argument was about between the three ladies

    11 hours ago, martyen said:

    hello everyone and hello Calatilla, for following the conversation from the beginning I can say that the subject of the dispute is the behavior of Tereza towards Renata, I do not want to speculate, but it seems to me that Renata reproaches  to Sher and Regina for the attitude towards her since Tereza 's return.


    That's more or less what happened.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    I wouldn't bet against it. Last year he was there a couple of times in a short time span, if memory serves me right.

    Yeah, but last year lola had girls with her who had basement level standards compared to the current two. If anything was ever going to happen with those guys this time round it would be between them and lola because Zlata and Irina wouldn't go near them unless they'd been roofied.

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