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Antisocial Loafer

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Posts posted by Antisocial Loafer

  1. 2 minutes ago, martyen said:

    many girls have traveled B1 B2 or the opposite (Irma Gina the sisters Karol Nicole Angelina Nora etc ...) Noldus has the good times he is the timekeeper can be trusted ........ some times mistakes or rather false joy  ex:  (Lola is out)....:biggrin:

    Ok, well I stand corrected :biggrin: I was only going on the current girls since I've only been a member since early september.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Chris b said:

    Nina has some cards and has been talking no stop about them for 10 min and  after looking hard i dont know i think there like ( Tarot cards ) like angel Tarot look them up  i dont know but it looks like thats what they are 
    and you are the fact  Kira wears the pants in the house and even if nina does not approve with another girl even if Kira did bring someone home for a sexual interest as you say she can not really abujet as oi think she know not to 

    ok things are strange now she is crying the new girls  have to wait and see 

    I don't think the objection was in regard to Kira bringing someone home, it would be about the drugs. That is of course if she even objects to it, no proof that she does. What makes you think Kira has any sexual interest in this girl? For one thing, just because Kira and Nina are her friends and they are lesbians doesn't mean she is.

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