I do not think it is right to abuse Maya because she was treating the pets for Lice. Also when TB brought his cat round they were fighting with each other over the limited territory available in the place and the cones were used to prevent them injuring each other. I think it was TBs cat that brought in the lice.
Since Stepan left I don't recall seeing anybody in this house apart from these two losers. Have her relations deserted her along with the friends she used to have.
It has to continue to the end. It seems that all she wants is a life of drudgery with the occasional bout of face sitting. She appears to have very little if any ambition.
Just like her life with the last bloke who I believe, looking back, did not want to fuck her anyway after she strayed from home.
I think Maya stayed here because she had no where else to go when Stepan left. I still believe Stepan left without telling her and she was shaken by that. Boy toy has moved in and with his forceful character he has started to run the show. For the moment i think that she has lost control of her home and he is making the decisions. Maybe that is what she wants after her last relationship where she appeared to be in charge. We must wait and see what happens
Boy toy may be an improvement on Stepan on 2 counts. One, he has the stamina for long face sitting sessions and two, he takes the dog for walks. Apart from that nothing, apart from spring cleaning the place, has changed and it looks like Maya has given up the art work?
Far from leaving I think Maya has had a complete rethink on how she wants this place to look. She may be cleaning before she leaves but imo I think she is giving it a thorough spring clean. I do hope she stays with or without boytoy.
Will they stay or will they go. Maya is obviously very fond of this guy but I wonder how long will she put up with him following her round like a pet dog. I've watched him follow her into the kitchen time and again, into the bathroom on a number of occasions and at times stand outside the toilet door when she is inside. Is he that juvenile and insecure that he needs to do this or is he worried that if he lets her out of his sight he may go the same way as Stepan. Apologies to Maya for that comment. Whatever happens good luck to them
I thought that when Stepan left he looked as if he was more than ready to go. We still do not know if he told Maya he was leaving as she was off elsewhere. Only RLC can tell us that.