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Posts posted by RonS

  1. 3 hours ago, ddhm said:

    Pfff …Loraine with the sisters …As posted some hours earlier , it is the period that the “ experienced “ and “ clever “ ones will try and be around Esmi , getting advantage of her popularity …Let’s hope that Esmi won’t “ fall “ into the tricks and corruption of Loraine and she stays the girl we know …As far as Zabava is concerned , she can learn the power of seduction whispering by the Master …😆😆

    whispering by the Master which will be f***** up!

  2. 9 minutes ago, fugwash said:

    When Zabava first moved into B4, and Esmi was visiting, Esmi used to sleep with Loraine rather than with Zabava, for what it's worth. I'm surprised they didn't sleep together tonight.  Maybe it's the size of Loraine's bed in B4 that was the reason, however.

    As for them appearing nude together (Es and Lor, I mean), yes, this is probably a first because that was back in the days when Esmi was generally more clothed. 😄

    From day one all the way back in march when Esmi cam to RLC she took showers nude thats when they had no hot water she had to take a shower at b5 one time because they were using pans of hot water to take showers she hadn't got used to not being modest that her nature! So i don't know what y'all mean.

  3. 6 hours ago, thinga69 said:

    A party this big with only one GOV missing I think that I never saw. This might show that Esmi's popularity isn't a crazy theory by her fans.

     Esmi's popularity I wonder why? Is it she sexy as f***and has charisma when she's not even trying she's the only reason i'm still on rlc and i'm glad she had fun tonight i just wished i could have seen all of it.

  4. 6 hours ago, Rick273 said:

    and what's more is they are on the top floor level 8 or 9

    Yes the door man knows her and will ring her in but she cant get in the door with out a key! You don't see the girls go to the intercom every time someone comes but they can't come in without a key so they go open the door and wait on them you see all the time at b2 and b1 Hey guys i was just voicing my opinion. I like zabava and her sister may not even be there if it wasn't for her!

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