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Posts posted by joesmithy

  1. honestly, they seem to lesbians, but I doubt it's something going on between them RLC, given the austerity policy and defense against homosexuality russia now! they do not laugh at all with it there!

    Oh no... I never put two and two together. I hadn't considered that this might mean a lack of showing some two-girl fun on RLC due to political climate. That's just sad. :(

  2. I guessed it may have been some sort of ham (jamon), but I've never seen it on the leg in a household like that. There's a big difference between cultural differences in home cooking and having fast-food restaurants... I'm not sure why the discussion went there, unless I've just been trolled (probably).

    At any rate, thanks for the confirmation. In these parts, it's only very fine restaurants that have true Serrano ham. I've had it a few times in Barcelona, but only once back in the states. I imagine it's even harder to get now, after the mad cow breakouts make it so hard to import meat.

  3. Water.  Alma & Stefan has the same thing.  I have seen both Stefan and Marcelo fill those bottles up with water from the bigger jug of water (1 gal or 5 liters size (I'm guessing the size)).

    Cool.. I didn't recognize the label; I was thinking they could REALLY handle their liquor well!

  4. The GMT+8 seems to agree with the video's timestamp, but where on earth would Alina and Sis be dressing & perfuming up to go at 3:56am? Unless clubs are open.... REALLY late in that part of the world!

    Tossed back the rest of her wine, stripped down in the living room right in front of Sis (wouldn't be the first time I guess), and off they went.

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