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    ...Farmland of NY, USA

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  1. wait a minute ..... didn't you recently post you had 300+ bates from another RLC tenant? πŸ˜–
  2. Yeah ... I know. I posted this before, but I think it's so funny. πŸ˜„ The Naked Gun ~'If I catch the guy who did it'.mp4
  3. Couple of hours! ...... you know damn well your a 10 min man. 😲 And that includes the seduction, the BJ, afterglow, ..... and a run down to the bodega for a "Philly-Cheese-steak". 🍞 πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜πŸ˜„
  4. poutine ! Leave it to the Canadians to F**k up a plate of french fries. 🍟
  5. What the hell is this? This vibrator thing. I thought she was in the kitchen baking! (Savaira sexy baking outfit) How disappointing. 😞
  6. Leia on site .... WOW .....that will make things interesting. 😫 .... 😏
  7. I love a good read! πŸ“– πŸ˜‰
  8. πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ πŸ˜„ ..... 24 years old! Enjoy your youth. ( I did ) Just to have some geezer fun...... my summertime yard work sneakers are older that you. 😁
  9. most boring classification ..... no, I don't agree. I'm thinking there are a few others that excel at being boring. ( Linda+Tibor, Jade+Alberto ) Among the current RLC tenants ..... the boring field is crowded. I think Nelly and Bogdan have settled into caretaker positions and also earn a bit from exposure as tenants. They have stepped back from being active tenants as in the past. ( St. Petersburg, B5 and B4 ). They pretty much keep to themselves, make an appearance at a cookout or party, then retire. I have no problem with them being around. (..... get a few drinks into Nelly, and she can be fun ... )
  10. Wait a minute .... normally your timing sucks and you miss these kind of events ......
  11. 16 days ..... no comments. Alberto really needs to return the fish tank.
  12. has turned .... this apartment has been monotonous sense day one. If you think they are boring now, wait 4 years till they are on par with Linda+Tibor.
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