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Everything posted by mosquito

  1. Wait,what?! A taj massage for this dude? F me, he s got soo lucky
  2. new really hot girl! I like it! Hope we can c some action! what is her name?
  3. u ve got pretty cool pics, well done! + roma and sabina are really good looking
  4. Wow, Sabina is doing some fitness stuff, nice)))
  5. saw it yesterday as well, but nothing hpnd. got a letter from Villa, Roma tired 'cause Sabina is moving arondall the time... donno what is going on, I hope I can c some Le mur de trua
  6. I didn't get it- Roma with a new girl or what? or he doesnt waste his time))) hope sabina will stay. let somebody else leave. not sure if it's script, though, they would have bongo bongo by now... we ll c, its not the 'night' time yet.
  7. maybe we will c some good action))) or one of the girls will leave? hope sabina will stay, such a cutie
  8. Donno, works fine for me... It was obviously a problem of my channel capacity and Chrome. Under IE I can have 3-4 windows running much better. What is your browser? chrome and safari
  9. Donno man, I guess I was lucky two nights in the row
  10. Olga is back and I like it. Finally) I can c some action. But now the other girl, Sabina is missing.... Not a good start for a new site... Kinda bad, hope she ll be back soon. Nice body(( At least with Olga I can c some night action. For me it's a big+
  11. Olga is back and I like it. Finally) I can c some action.
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