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pulo filipe

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Everything posted by pulo filipe

  1. Paul with vacuum cleaner cleaning the floor
  2. Leora Have woken up yet Good afternoon and have a wonderful Saturday 😘
  3. Girls sleeping and Paul working on the computer
  4. Beautiful girls leora Eva Sleeping in bed 💓 Paul sleeping in Paul's bed
  5. Good morning Good Night morning Good Night Maravilhoso sábado para todos Wonderful Saturday for everyone 02/11/2024 02/November /2024 Good morning Beautiful girls Leora Eva Paul 👸 🐶 🤵
  6. good night eva leora paul See you tomorrow and sweet dream Good night, good morning to everyo See you tomorrow
  7. Paul in a relaxing bath with the door closed and the light off
  8. Leora look beautiful in a pink nightgown
  9. Leora In bed under the pink blanket on the laptop watching a movie with your girl Eva
  10. Paul sleeping on the living room couch
  11. Leora Paul Eva On the sofa in the living room watching a movie on TV
  12. Leora Paul In the kitchen eating Leora in beautiful pajamas White pants with excavator and white shirt
  13. Leora Eva Paul exit Beautiful day to all
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