Leora, ton anus est une fleur que j'aimerai regarder grandir... heu, non, ça craint...
Allez, pour ceux qui ont de l’humour, FAITES VITE, les tarlouzes vont la retirer !!!!!
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Hopefully they keep her around. She`s bringing in viewers.
Do you think that the viewership was so low for this apartment that RLC had to bring in some girls that would deliver the things we wanted to see,and even make nora give us what we wanted to see all along?
I don`t think viewership was low. But if they keep doing what their doing it will certainly get people buying memberships. But like all the other girls they are likely there on a visa and their stay is short lived. I don`t care what the girls look like as long as they don`t have the same look like Susan Boyle. That woman is as ugly as sin. LOL
Elle vient de boire un verre, épuisée par son orgasme...
Justement, c'est comme cà qu'il me les refuse toutes. Fichier invalide alors que les photos sont en jpg !!!
Alors voici pour toi...
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Ok thank you Canito,I'm very tired but I will try to stay awake,everyone at the office kept asking me today about why I was so tired,wouldn't it have been funny if I told them,"Oh I was just up all night waiting for this girl to masturbate with a green beer bottle", How funny would that be if i told them that lol.this girl Kamila is making me lose a lot of sleep :P :P
just record it n watch it d nxt day..
N'importe quoi ! C'est faux !!
Elle ne se masturbe pas. je suis devant mon PC : elles regardent la tv. C'est tout...