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Amy3 last won the day on April 7 2022

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  1. Since the beginning, VHTV catered to Jabbath’s mindset. His involvement will always lead to Vanillaville. The forum is beyond stupid at this point because it too caters to Jabbath’s mindset. The golden era of internet voyeurism is dead and gone. What’s left is nothing but boring ass deadbeat camstars barely fulfilling their contracts and hustling for just enough views to get by on. It’s completely transparent and such an obvious scam that it’s embarrassing. The main players on the forum are clearly so jaded that they can’t even think of something to say anymore. They’re like those old losers who take over a corner of a bar clinging to some pointless status, while the rest of the people in the bar sneer at them like the fools they are. Apparently the bulk of the people who do post think they are a comedian or something. Practically every post is some low brow attempt to be funny. The deluge of pictures grinds the forum to a crawl unless you’re connected to a WiFi point. Don’t even bother trying to scroll a thread any faster than a post at a time or it will crack. Most of the time I visit the forum I last about 2 topics before I die of boredom. It’s the same thing over and over and over again. Overall 1/10. Boring Jabbath and Friends snoozefest! Zzzzzzzzzzzz
  2. “We do compensate the efforts to maintain Operator’s role by providing complimentary access to VHTV Subscriptions. Sometimes, people may insist on paying the subscription or decline our complimentary access for any other reason.” - VHTV The truth is that there are moments operators who are too stupid to know that VHTV would give them a free sub. Why they need like 10 of them is beyond comprehension. Especially when it’s mainly only 2-3 of them actually doing the work. I would love to know the percentage of videos that have less than say 5 views. I would also love to know how many people use the archive to download videos for the purpose of sharing the videos on other sites. I know the operators are doing this. I'll say it again. The existence of the archives, means the viewers get far less content. It yields very dry and boring vanilla sex and drives away potential talent who don’t want there to be one place where all of their sex content can easily be accessible by anyone with a simple 1 month subscription.
  3. “This forum destroyed this site. All the complaining and reporting like little children for grown adults doing what adults do in real life. Making personal contact with participants to develop friendships and get brainwashed into posting bullshit. Participants can read all the constant he say she say. Now they come in with all the power after reading this forum and know how to play the game and play it well.” it’s worse than just the forum, it was Jabbath’s direct influence and the rest of his merry men who did exactly what I tried to get them to stop doing. He picked sides and played his favorites and bad mouthed and trashed the other tenants and managers, but also anyone in the forums who dared like them. He, with the huge help from VHTV, put himself and his insider friends on a pedestal above the playing field and the rest of the common players. From there, they undermined the forum members who had a different mindset and interest and they slowly but surely snuffed them out. VHTV screwed up even worse by allowing Jabs and his string of ass kissers to run their forum. I personally think that VHTV has a bad reputation in the circles the managers run in and it’s costing them big time. The managers are left to recycle and dredge for desperadoes, who are content to earn Pennie’s just for a place to sleep. No one on VHTV has any sense of glory or aspiration and why should they when their manager will be the one to reap the reward, not them.
  4. "The female guests asking to turn off the cameras to have sex, nothing new here, as the female guests here are the worst" My goodness VHTV! Allowing the tenants to turn off the cams because the guest is uncomfortable being on cam. What a fucking joke your site is! And people are paying for this privilege? VHTV buries their head in the sand and they pretend that this is voyeurism. It's not voyeurism VHTV, it's embarrassing!
  5. “Countries are not important, quality is important unfortunately the quality is constantly falling” What they fail to understand is that VHTV has to work in corrupt counties like Ukraine, Bulgaria, Moldova, Russia, and Colombia. They and their managers can’t make money operating anywhere else. If they open an apartment in the EU, for example, they would have to pay they a salary which undermines the premise of the work for views competition scheme. Also, it’s way more easy for the managers to pull shenanigans on their sex workers in corrupt countries, cause they know that the tenants won’t have any authorities to run to. I talked to a lot of tenants who thought that their manager owned VHTV. They have barely any idea what they are signing. Also, it’s easier in corrupt countries to find people willing to sell their life for very little money. Lastly, it’s far easier to skirt taxes in corrupt counties. Would love to know how that actually works with the money VHTV pays to its managers and then they pay to the tenants. In the USA, this scheme would create a tax nightmare.
  6. “still . even i a 72 year old with next to no libido came back . so i say again once your hooked VHTV wont let you leave , and niether will your willpower” Like I said, the vast majority of the people paying for VHTV and are active in the forum are old, impotent men and guys who can’t get a girl of their own. That’s who has $2500 to spend on a voyeur site. That’s who the general audience is. Hopeless people trying to live vicariously through sex workers living on a 24/7 Chaturbate cam site set up by sex thug managers.
  7. One of the biggest problems that VHTV has is that Jabbath’s knows the players from within VHTV, the managers, and the tenants. His influence into these people’s decision making has evolved them into being like him, vanilla. Everything about VHTV is set to default at the level of Jabbath’s tolerability. VHTV seriously needs to cut themselves off from these grifters, who are driving them into the ground. Jabbath’s basically told the crew in the forum that nothing good is coming. He thinks his distain is going to push VHTV to bend to his will. Why would VHTV want anything to do with someone who is undermining them? VHTV would do well to terminate the forum and stop taking his calls, and focus on finding new talent beyond his influence and control. He knows too much and he has used that knowledge to grow his own power at the expense of the feed. When we we’re friends, he pretty much told me everything that was coming and going. He uses the information VHTV, the managers, and the tenants tell him to buy power for himself. It’s worked amazing well for him. Unfortunately, it comes at a cost to the rest of the subscribers.
  8. People are talking about being a subscriber to VHTV for 7 years. If they bought into it at the initial rate and stayed on that monthly plan, they will have already paid over $2500. At the $300/yr rate, it’s still over $2000. For a crappy voyeur site. WOW!
  9. Someone posted the entirety of everything that worth watching in the new apartment, Evalia/Jerno. It's all there. There is nothing missing. What is the point of paying for something when you can see basically everything in the forum? Just watch or download videos from the forum! 🤔
  10. I think it's safe to say that Satan's amazing contest idea is a total flop! There's like a handful of entries and a handful of votes cast. Just-In won with an amazing like count of 8. WOW! 😅 A moment operator gets 5 days on his sub. I seriously doubt that Just-In is stupid enough to pay to work for VHTV, but I could be wrong. Anyone who is an operator who still pays for a sub is an utter dumbass. Especially since I know that some of them get it for free.
  11. I don’t really understand why anyone would bother to pay for VHTV when all one has to do is just wait a short period of time before someone posts pictures and usually the entire video of the action as it happens. You don’t need a subscription, you just need a bit of patience. The main thing I look for is real passion. It’s the rarest form of sex you’ll see on VHTV.
  12. “Some members seem to get a paranoia attack over the name Amy so i wouldn’t worry too much Also there is a personal vendatta between Amy and the odd member which has clouded other members judgements hence the word troll often gets used. Always thought the Forum is open to all whatever their views (within reason)” Robwin, the VHTV forum is open to those Jabbath’s allows to be there. That’s why is so freaking boring. It’s full of like minded people. Most of them are so jaded they can barely say anything at all anymore. The amount one can dissent is proportional to the depth of their nose up his asshole. The exception to that are a very few people who he needs for very different reasons. You and Sparkles, for example can pretty much say whatever you want to, up to a point. His mindset is so well guarded in the forum that it’s almost on auto control at this point.
  13. Exactly! They could care less about mental illness and addiction. As long as they are producing content and making everyone money, fuck em! And then when something bad happens, they put on sad faces and cry and go right back to counting their money and privilege.
  14. Wonder if Jabs will tell the underlings about his own escapade into contacting and meeting up with tenants. Probably not! He’s thinks he’s a good guy so it’s ok for him to do it, but everyone else is a predator with bad motives and it’s his job to protect the tenants from them. What a hypocrite! Guy met Lexi and didn’t do shit. 😂
  15. I see that there is some exchange about the deleted videos from the archives. Wanna know who has all of the deleted videos and even more controversial videos that wouldn't be allowed to be uploaded? The moment operators, of course. Want access to full archives? Well, that's a bit more tricky and costly than just getting a sub, but it is possible if you know the right people. VHTV is absolutely stupid to give that level of access to people who are not direct employees. I know the tools they use and the ways that they hide themselves from VHTV. How Amy, how can you know that? Cause they told me and they showed me how they do it. Duh! Their viewers are going to start to create their own archives now that it's easy for the tenants to get them deleted. I'm sure that they won't be as stealthy as the operators are. Curious to see if VHTV does anything about the ignorant ones who don't know better.
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