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Everything posted by zone51

  1. sad if Aya leaving too because she is the most attractive girl with have on RLC right now
  2. RLC don't know much things about what happen on their site in general...
  3. we have a new dylan here, count max 5 mn and it's already over the blurry thumbnails are sufficiant
  4. RLC lose their pay members one by one during the past weeks when I read the forum and I am one of them I am waiting a big cleaning like they did in april
  5. alot of things not going very well on RLC these days 🙃
  6. they visiting too rarely but I remember very well their foursome 8 months ago, this is a girl i would like to see more on RLC but it's too rarely the case put this couple in the carla/yanai apartment and I take a suscription !
  7. have we another 2 mn guy on RLC ? with what I saw on the thumbnails it was quick when the penetration started
  8. because Nadia realized than Milena used her just for make views
  9. now we have to wait a month before see the replacement of Tani
  10. the first half of her stay was interesting but since she met that new boyfriend the fun was over
  11. a drunk Sara will be a easy girl for Dylan or Lacrim if she not changed she was always drunk during her stay in B1, I hope for her she solved this problem
  12. I did well to not suscribe if they are already gone
  13. i think many rlc girls know already camcaps after all this years if they are too sensitive it's not a good place for them
  14. well no surprise here, this is why it's not always good to bring back old tenants because they know already too much things and they say it to the new tenants, could be one of the reason for why Nadia changed these days and want leave the project now
  15. she not seems anymore concerned by RLC someone translated the other day she has problems and she want find another job
  16. and why keep a guy like Lacrim who never fucked a rlc girl as far i remember exept Harley her ex gf, even Ashley don't want fuck with him he is useless it's time for Dylan mister 2 mn to leave also, like i said the other day rlc need a big clean in general like in last april
  17. it's not very complicated to be on top cams these days with the low action there is in the others apartments, well I have the feeling they will be here only few days so if i take suscription just for that and if they leave tomorrow or after tomorrow i will be very angry so i prefer stay with the free cams for see the evolution
  18. these guys arrived with suitcase or just a small bag ?
  19. the question is are they going to stay only few days or more longer if it's more longer then ok because the girls alone are not very interesting to watch
  20. this is the only good thing they have to tease of the whole site these days but sorry it's not enough
  21. they had already more sex in few days than Tereza Timur in one year and seems the Nefeli guy is not a 2 mn guy it's rare on RLC
  22. I am not impressed by the sexual activity and performence of Gabrielle and Louis too for the time I watched them but it's sure TT don't fuck alot
  23. a big clean like in april this is what RLC need
  24. same for me, there is just Aya interest me but it's not enough for renew with that price RLC ask when we will have an option on RLC for pay for the apartment we want to see....probably never so I am waiting the next updates
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