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Everything posted by zone51

  1. blanket+ 30 secs guy it can't be worse
  2. what is the secret of RLC to find all these 2 mn guys
  3. this place is a complete failure on all points RLC just playing on the nostalgia but we can see the result
  4. yes this is crazy, for my part it's long time I turned the page of Shantal even she is still here, she is a waste of time and money I can't wait to see her leave the project
  5. wait it's a question of time if he decide to fuck her or you can be sure he will use the blanket for hiding like Shantal
  6. if Lialia return one day that will be for pack her things and leave RLC i think
  7. if the sex happen that will be full under the blanket or in a dead corner without cams or on the balcony now the camera is covered
  8. 😂 can't wait for he cover the bedroom cams too for put this apartment offline
  9. 30 days is enough we know already the song with her and I doubt we will see something different during this stay
  10. she is a lost cause under the rlc cameras and she is immature just a question of time for Wolf to realize she is not the good ticket he should try his luck with Rachel
  11. I wish good luck to Wolf with Shantal he don't know again who is she
  12. she taking the same road of Tani the money is simple to make on RLC with less effort and she know that she is a veteran
  13. the joke continue I hope she having fun outside with the boyfriend...
  14. I saw the new girl in the kitchen and seems this is another ukrainian girl for not change
  15. 1 or 2 times per month it's always more than Martina and Alberto now 😂 for Tereza I think she taking more her pleasure alone than in the sex with Timur
  16. even when they were paid they had sex 1 or 2 times per month
  17. so it's good if it's not Olivia 🙂 and please not Monica or Amira again 😂
  18. I am scare the replacement of Lubna will be Olivia the sister of Ulyana I hope not
  19. she can stay away forever if she want she is not very attractive
  20. we don't pay for see empty apartments half of the time, the price should be half too but this is not the case so it's normal to not be happy about how the things goes these days on RLC
  21. she is good for sleep for 24 h now useless new apartment
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