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Everything posted by zone51

  1. all the specialists i can hear on the TV say the same thing: the best thing to do is a total containment during some weeks for decrease the contagion we can see the first result after maybe two weeks, let see the result soon with the italy and spain if it's working or not they started the containment before us it worked in china but we are not the china it's the problem, the containement was very strict in china
  2. @Robwin seems Johnson changed his strategy with this virus ? and will do finally maybe the same thing of the other countries?
  3. time to do another tour to the supermarket for doing more stock 😁, welcome to the club after closed all the schools the bars the restaurants the cinema the next step is the containment like us for reduce and stop the contagion
  4. until the virus crisis is not solved there is the possibilty the girls will stay for some months again here include monica and irma 😏
  5. probably, so we have to deal with the same girls for months again
  6. so maybe impossible for Monica for the moment to come back at home, i am scared it will be the same thing with Irma i am not sure i want renew now
  7. pfffffff i hope it's just for a very short visit, her name is not listed
  8. no more visa soon for the rlc girls if the crisis continue too much time 🙂
  9. the best thing to do no choice, the crazy thing is you need to have this paper for go buy your bread i don't have printer i will write my paper tomorrow for go buy my bread if my boulangerie is open it's not guaranteed 😁
  10. well it's confirmed the people need to have a paper with them for go outside and do a sworn statement for justify every move outside (work,supermarket,medical etc...) and if you have not this paper with you when the police control you you have to pay 135 euro, 100 000 cops with be deployed on the country for control the people you can download a form on the webiste of the ministry or for who have not the possibility to download they can write this directly on a paper and do a sworn statement
  11. seems the people here in France will need to have a paper authorization for go to work for justified the reason to go outside, more infos coming soon it's not totally clear for the moment
  12. for assol and amelie are they rejected by the other girls or it's them don't want do any efforts for be integrated ? i am lost with them
  13. confined people gonna watch other confined people now 🙂, where this world goes
  14. @moos54 really sad for you, for take the good side of that we will have alot of times for watch rlc and vh now and talk on camcaps for kill the time 🙂
  15. i know in spain and italy there is the police for apply the rules and if you are outside for not a good reason you have to pay 206 euro in spain for example, the same thing will happen soon in other countries i think
  16. and if we found a vaccin the next week there is the time of the production after and i heard again today the vaccin will be available everywhere not before months
  17. the number of infected people we have every days is only the people was tested there is much more infected people in reality, here in france they test only the severe cases and the medical staff now
  18. it's not a big problem for me i am single and i live alone 🙂
  19. only two weeks of isolation on my side, the two months is only for the food 🙂 but i think all the France will join the club of the spain and italy very soon with a total containment of the country
  20. i don't think it's that virus but by security i prefer stay isolated for two weeks for protect the family, i think we have mimimum two months in front of us with this virus
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