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Everything posted by zone51

  1. yes, just a example the big match of football of wednesday of the champion league between PSG and Dortumd will be play without supporters in the stade 😏
  2. here the economy minister just announced today the economic impact will be strong and all meetings of more 1000 people are not authorized now it was 5000 the last week, just imagine the impact there is on the all sportifs events and culturals
  3. yes i think also, if someone find a vaccin tomorrow there is all the phase test to do after on the mouses first and on the humans after and on the third time the production can start and all this process taking months, this new virus have some months again in front of him, the discussion is very interesting btw it's much better than the barça apartments on rlc 🙂, here the experts said the vaccin will be not ready before 12-18 months, let see if the summer will kill completly the virus i am sick in this moment i don't know if i have the virus or not 😁
  4. it's called a cobaye no thanks, me i heard the usa and israel are close to find a vaccin but i doubt it will be very serious on a short time like that you have to do alot of test first on the mouses and on the humans after it's taking time
  5. here in france the medical researchers (institut pasteur) say: we will not have a vaccin for this new virus before 12-18 months they need to do alot of test before on the mouses, after if in the other countries they find a efficient vaccin faster it's a good news
  6. i was joking, since day one i take this new virus very seriously
  7. the deaths with the flu is estimate between 0,1 and 0,5 % and for the moment the deaths with this new virus is estimate around 3,4 % we have no vaccin and we don't know much about this virus for the moment he can mutate
  8. i am french not italian (check my location profile) but this situation in Italy interest me
  9. an explanation is it's because the italian tradition is to keep the grand parents at home with their childrens and not to send them in a medical center for old people and the italian population is old aslo, this virus have a strong impact on the old fragile people, here also we have one of the best health systems but we have already 19 deaths (most of them are old)
  10. but with some pussy play in bonus sometimes it would be a double heart 💜💜
  11. well the new girl is a brunette friend of olivia and ulyana, she move in the loraine bedroom right now with her suitcase
  12. you like to provocate , i know already the jabbath answer: but no deaths 😁
  13. the rlc plane of the next girl is arrived 🙂 recycled or new girl?....the answer very soon
  14. it's official the Italy is the second country the most infected and with the most of deaths in the world (around 5 % of deaths in this country)
  15. the cat becomes the first attraction in this apartment, this is what i check first when i click here 🙂
  16. the life is good for the two tourists, since day one it's tourism and shopping during the day with our money and they come back only when the night start for be sure to stay in the dark, thanks you very much rlc for this great casting 😏, i understand better now why we have many recycled girls on this site it's because rlc have many difficulty to find good new girls btw they have zero social life with the other girls in this house, they use B4 just like a hotel and that's all and they are paid for that !
  17. the economic impact will be strong in some countries specially on the tourism
  18. there is two confined areas now in italy until april (milan and venise areas and some others), here in france more than 500 schools closed this monday and +336 new cases today
  19. they let only the light of the toilet in the bathroom, it's sufficiant for them for see something and it's sufficant for the cameras switch in night mode it's the same thing in the bedroom, i stopped watching them it's not interest me to watch a moles life, i just hope they are only a month girls,next...
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