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Posts posted by Daryalok

  1. I think there are some legal and/or technical aspects to consider putting a camera outside. Legally they would have to aim it so that nothing outside the balcony is shown and depending on the layout of the balcony maybe this isn´t doable. Technically I am not sure what kind of protection the camera would need in order to withstand wind and rain (to some extend even sun)..

    Not saying it wouldn´t be nice to have a cam there of course. :)

  2. On the bottom I agree with you. But, There are some contradictions in the RLC strategy.

    The domain RLC is classified site for adult. voyeur category.

    Who says voyeur, said exhibitionist opposite. is not it?

    I think a voyeur does not pay 45 usd / month to come and see the color of the cover of Rita, Nika and other girls.

    a voyeur RLC does not pay to see tenants fixed on their smartphone all day to check the number of subscriber connection.

    I think there are a lot of hypocrisy here. I ask you one question. Be honest, why you connect to the site RLC? Does sociology to understand Russian? you're in luck, then, you understand the Russian language.

    Yes I bought a hamburger, but I Rlc sells meatless. That's the truth.

    For, N & K the problem is not that their presence hinders the operation of the apartment, but it is the rules that they put in place. Result girls no longer behaves normally. I feel that there is a standard of behavior. Girls make gestures in the same way.

    That's why I stopped my subscription last few days.

    I totally agree with Ange_Gardien, people don't pay premium money for what they are getting with RLC.  Nobody that pays $45.00 per month wants to login to RLC to see the tenants being covered up or playing on  their cell phones or computers every time they login!!  Daryalok, you are not being honest if you say that RLC is delivering exactly what you paid for!!  Where is this agreement you speak of?  Are you associated with RLC in some way of another?

    I will first respond to Ange_Guardien..

    Yes it is an adult voyeur site. The adult part is because there may be sexual content and has been on several occassions. And why people pay for gaining access is honestly up to them..

    You asked me to be honest.. I connect to this site because I am indeed interested in the sexual parts, I wont lie about that (although the cats can at some points be hilarious). And no, I don´t speak russian. The difference is that I have realized that these apartments are from Real Life.. No one comes to my flat demanding me to have sex more often (would be nice though if it was a hot girl doing that) ;)

    And now it´s your turn to be honest..  Have N&K really set some rules? Or do you just think they do? Sure she can be a bit "bossy" sometimes but wether the tenants are naked or not is probably not in her power to dictate.

    LongDuck.. I am honest.. RLC basically says: "Give us $45/month and you will get camera access to these flats where people go about their daily lives".. Read the terms of service or the FAQ on the main page. The only mention of sex is (and I quote)

    "The Sites offer online entertainment services that may be deemed adult in nature and which may contain graphic depictions and descriptions of explicit sexual activity. You acknowledge that you are aware of the nature of the content provided by these Sites, that you are not offended by such content and that you access the Sites freely, voluntarily and willingly."

    And thats it!

    Also the "Premium part" is also clearly described. It is for the extra functionality, not extra chances for sex or hotter chicks..

    No I don´t have any affiliation with RLC nor do I wish to have it.

    Look, I want to see the tenants (some more than others) having sex.. Of course, that´s one of the biggest reasons I come to RLC but I wont cry about it and demand that RLC actually starts instructing the tenants.

    The biggest risk in all this would actually be if RLC actually listened to you guys.. Then it would be scripted and just another porn site.. And RLC would loos a hell of a lot more.

    I will say it again. If you dont like it, dont pay for it and move on. Le maison du sexe is a better place for you guys then.. There its non stop scripted humping..

    This is my opinion..

  3. Gee. For some reason I have to fully agree.

    I can't argue any issue. Why? Because I don't pay. Therefore I have no say.

    Like CC, if you don't pay, you have no say in what things are written or done in regards to how the board is run.

    Have tried to become a paid member a few times but it is not as easy as it seems. And no, i will not get a Visa or any other new card just to pay this.

    Oh my, that just became another small rant didn´t it? :)

  4. What the hell? I have not been a member of CC for all that long but the conversations are clearly deteriorating.

    Two topics which seems to pop up frequently in different forms are:

    • Not enough sex and nudity and people demand RLC to tell them to fuck more!

    • Nora and Kiko should be kicked out (especially Kiko)

    RLC needs to demand more activity:


    This is like if you go to McDonalds and order a cheeseburger and you get pissed off at them for not giving you a Big Mac.. You get exactly what RLC promised to deliver! Now shut up about it!!

    Nora and Kiko should be kicked out (especially Kiko):

    Why? Jealous much?

    Just because YOU don´t like any of them doesn´t mean that others don´t! RLC is in charge of whoever occupies these apartments, NOT YOU!

    And if this post pisses you off or if you disagree I couldn´t care less.. RLC delivers what I pay for and it is clearly written in the agreement which most of you complaining whiners haven´t even read so if you don´t like it, shut up and end your subscription!

    Rant off!

  5. once she masturbated but she was sitting on the toilet, I could see the IPhone she wa s holding and a sex scene was playing on it.  She doesn't want nobody seeing her so she hiudes in the toilet downstairs sometimes.

    that would need a screen cap to prove that one

    talks cheap

    I saw two times when she was on the toilet for a very long time, the first time it was probably over 20 mins but you only saw her here and there for about 2-3 mins, The second time I actually looked at the time and she was in there 17 mins, On the second occasion she was talking on the phone in her room and continued the conversation when she went to the bathroom while sitting on the toilet (a few times she leaned forward and had the phone by her ear) After about 10 mins it appears the call ended and she was looking at the phone in front of her, However it was impossible for me in full screen mode to see what she was watching, I guess it's possible to magnify the image but I still think it would be very hard to see what she was looking at.

    This might come as a shock to all of you but.. (brace yourselves).. Girls take dumps too..

    I know, I know it´s completely outlandish!

    And do you know what else is weird? No1 and No2.. It doesn´t smell like spring rain on a field of roses either..

    I know most of you must be in shock right now but it will pass. I promise!

  6. Thanks, Kooloos. I can never get enough of Kamila. I sure wish I could find a video (with sound) of her masturbating on the bed in her room. That was really something to behold.  ;D


    Nice.  You can actually hear her wet pussy with the ac3Filter on.

    AC3 filter? Can you please elaborate? Is it something you can use in combination with bandicam?

  7. If this apartment went under maintenance for some kind of sexual encounter, that would really seal the deal with me continuing to pay RLC on a monthly basis!  I mean isn't that what we are paying for here?  I can't believe there are not more of you as pissed off about this as I am!  I'm giving RLC two more weeks to drastically improve or I'm done wasting my money on such a poor ran website that could have been great! I don't know who the head of RLC is but they need their head examined for the bullshit they have pulled in the last couple of months!!

    Actually no, it isn´t...

  8. Maybe there is another possibility. Earlier (maybe 30 mins before maintenance) Jenny was taking a shower and washed her hair. After applying schampoo she started fiddling with something on the bottom of the bathtub. She looked up and had the expression of (oh no, no, no) and looked into the camera with a "guilty" look on her face. Maybe something broke and they have to fix it?

    We all assume it is RLC and camera maintenance.. What if the tenants are really clumsy and they need to call in plumbers, electricians and whatnot all the time? Ill bet they have to shut down the cameras in such cases due to regulations..


    when a plumber went into the appartment of dasha and demid to repair tghe washing machine, RLC didn't put the appartment under maintenance.

    That is true about the washing machine and also when they had a plumbing problem in the bathroom and had to pulls tiles up and everything, they didn't go under maintenance then either.  This maintenance issue has gotten out of hand with this apartment!

    Well the apartments are in two different countries. There may be differences in legislation.

    If what I said was the case maybe it´s as simple as the maintenance guys were asked if they are ok beeing on cam (or their company) and in Russia they said yes and in Spain they said no..

    Just maybe.. :)

  9. Maybe there is another possibility. Earlier (maybe 30 mins before maintenance) Jenny was taking a shower and washed her hair. After applying schampoo she started fiddling with something on the bottom of the bathtub. She looked up and had the expression of (oh no, no, no) and looked into the camera with a "guilty" look on her face. Maybe something broke and they have to fix it?

    We all assume it is RLC and camera maintenance.. What if the tenants are really clumsy and they need to call in plumbers, electricians and whatnot all the time? Ill bet they have to shut down the cameras in such cases due to regulations..


  10. Yes they have worked well in the RLC profile, especially Rita, with her tits and ass exposed several times a day in the kitchen or living room, it has certainly increased the number of premium.

    and in the rooms nothing happens, 4 hours a day of makeup and other times phone, computer and coverage.

    Frankly, if the new rules are that, over for this apartment.

    it becomes really boring. :(

    What do you mean "nothing happens"? Rita masturbated last night (late but still)..

    What!!! And I missed that one !!!! I want to cry now :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

    Don't worry, Tian. You didn't miss anything. As several have already stated, she scratched once or twice in 5 seconds and immediately pulled her hands out from under the covers. No woman can masturbate that fast.

    I watched it at the time specified and there was NO masturbation.

    In fact, Rita has been showing less and less since that night when she came back sad from a night on the town. I think someone said something to her that embarrassed her or something.

    Sorry, Guardian Angel, but you are mistaken.

    No it was not 5 seconds.. She did it for 5 minutes or so.. I might be wrong about the timestamp since the video doesnt show. She laid with half her body outside the covers. She started right after she covered her self.

    It was about 5 minutes, movement where her crotch was and she breathed more and more.. Her right hand was above the covers..

    Now I will admit it wasn´t sexy or hot or anything. Really nothing special.

    Why would I make this shit up??

  11. Jenny is making up for lost time on the food!!

    I guess the make up is for the selfies.

    He said "making up for lost time" as in replenishing!

    Snaky.....STFU and quit trying to put words in my mouth!!  Mind your on FB......you are a piece of shit dude!!

    You need to chill.. He didn´t say anything inappropriate. This time, you did..

  12. By the way...before I start getting hammered from all of you, look at the facts!!  If you can look at the facts that is, probably not because all of you Nora & Kiko fans have blinders on!!  Look at how many times Rita and Kiko have showed up at the apartment within minutes of each other?  I remember one night that it was within minutes and Kiko ended up fucking Nora the same night and had one hell of a time getting a nut!!  Why, because he had already gotten a nut with Rita!!  Go figure!!

    I wont hammer you but what facts??

    They come to the apartment same time-ish? And what, once or twice? That is the fact you refer to?

    I am certainly no Nora or Kiko fan and I think they should have been retired from RLC but they are there for a reason and I am not one to decide what strategy RLC will have.

  13. Yes they have worked well in the RLC profile, especially Rita, with her tits and ass exposed several times a day in the kitchen or living room, it has certainly increased the number of premium.

    and in the rooms nothing happens, 4 hours a day of makeup and other times phone, computer and coverage.

    Frankly, if the new rules are that, over for this apartment.

    it becomes really boring. :(

    What do you mean "nothing happens"? Rita masturbated last night (late but still)..

    With open eyes does not dream. The Best having a good sleep look after, then there is no Fata Morgana.

    Really dont care if you believe me or not. She started (under the covers of course) at around 1.20,her time in the night. If you have a video you can check it your self. Granted she did all under the cover and was abit quiet but she did rub it..

    Please be a not child, 30 sec. hand in a step no is mastubieren. What you suppose, would be here in a forum free, when she really had mastubiert. However so you to look only under hundreds, supposes it.

    ?? Child?

    The question was wether she did it or not. I am not stating anything in regards to wether it was good or not.

    The last part I dont understand, sorry..

    No, she has not done it. You are the only one which believes it. No user has written something, no photo, no video. Only you. Hundreds of eyes observe, but only your eyes see.

    As I said.. I really dont care if you believe me or not. :)

    I gave you a time stamp.. Start chasing a video of it and check it for your self.. I see it..

    Have a nice day!

  14. Yes they have worked well in the RLC profile, especially Rita, with her tits and ass exposed several times a day in the kitchen or living room, it has certainly increased the number of premium.

    and in the rooms nothing happens, 4 hours a day of makeup and other times phone, computer and coverage.

    Frankly, if the new rules are that, over for this apartment.

    it becomes really boring. :(

    What do you mean "nothing happens"? Rita masturbated last night (late but still)..

    With open eyes does not dream. The Best having a good sleep look after, then there is no Fata Morgana.

    Really dont care if you believe me or not. She started (under the covers of course) at around 1.20,her time in the night. If you have a video you can check it your self. Granted she did all under the cover and was abit quiet but she did rub it..

    Please be a not child, 30 sec. hand in a step no is mastubieren. What you suppose, would be here in a forum free, when she really had mastubiert. However so you to look only under hundreds, supposes it.

    ?? Child?

    The question was wether she did it or not. I am not stating anything in regards to wether it was good or not.

    The last part I dont understand, sorry..

  15. Yes they have worked well in the RLC profile, especially Rita, with her tits and ass exposed several times a day in the kitchen or living room, it has certainly increased the number of premium.

    and in the rooms nothing happens, 4 hours a day of makeup and other times phone, computer and coverage.

    Frankly, if the new rules are that, over for this apartment.

    it becomes really boring. :(

    What do you mean "nothing happens"? Rita masturbated last night (late but still)..

    With open eyes does not dream. The Best having a good sleep look after, then there is no Fata Morgana.

    Really dont care if you believe me or not. She started (under the covers of course) at around 1.20,her time in the night. If you have a video you can check it your self. Granted she did all under the cover and was abit quiet but she did rub it..

  16. Yes they have worked well in the RLC profile, especially Rita, with her tits and ass exposed several times a day in the kitchen or living room, it has certainly increased the number of premium.

    and in the rooms nothing happens, 4 hours a day of makeup and other times phone, computer and coverage.

    Frankly, if the new rules are that, over for this apartment.

    it becomes really boring. :(

    What do you mean "nothing happens"? Rita masturbated last night (late but still)..

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