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Everything posted by Kingbanks

  1. 😂 They should send Rama to go talk to him😂
  2. All I can do is click on the screen caps and I see mimi and ulyana got dressed
  3. 😂 he must be trying to stall and the Hope's of if he stays there long enough they might have sex with him😂
  4. Thats because they fix the one in Europe that you sent me it use to load up slow and sometimes send me a 502 bad gateway but now its fully functioning
  5. Yeah but I cant login They have to be working on it because it's no more 502 bad gateway it's just all white
  6. It's been like that for 5 or 6 hours now for the usa servers and Canada
  7. I haven't gotten a 502 bad getaway an awhile but it's been just a completely white screen they must be working on the usa servers
  8. Not for me That link someone sent me works but it's in Europe when I try to login my screen goes white again
  9. Support said they are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible If this last all the way into Tomorrow then I'm just going to forget about it
  10. Okay thanks I guess the reply that I gave them about the popular cameras and the replay which was down at the time they fix that.... but it's still nothing for me on my end and anyone else's that has the same issue as me
  11. Maybe that could be a good sign for the people who have been left with a white screen If its coming back to normal for you maybe it will for us now or later
  12. I finally got a response from support and they say... sorry for the inconvenience are you still having the same issue ☠ What a generic response like how do you not know your servers have been fucked for the past 4 hours 😂 We shouldn't have to switch to servers in Europe or uk to view a website 😂
  13. 😖 it made me post the samething twice 😂
  14. Do you think they know that the website is fucked also did anyone email them?
  15. So it's just b2 and Olivia bf and the small new guy? And elettra?
  16. Sounds like a rager 😂 who is still at the party?
  17. Has anyone heard from support or emailed support?
  18. So basically rlc said fuck the usa, Canada and the uk 😂
  19. I just checked VHTV they are working for me
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