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Everything posted by Kingbanks

  1. who is A I know karol but who else are you referring to? didn't Marlene leave with karol?
  2. doubt it I strongly doubt it they will all be back in the morning that's the new b1 situation 🤷‍♂️
  3. no I was wrong karol husband/bf visit was on the 1st of May that will most likely be the last time we see him karol and Marlene will do all the good stuff of cam🤦‍♂️
  4. yep karol and Marlene are officially off cam girls but at least they bate for the cams 🤷‍♂️ karol husband last visited her on the 4th right?
  5. it seems after kylie&rus and fior took esmi to the garage she decided to leave asap😂
  6. fior & esmi disappeared never they probably just did drugs with kylie&rus 🤦‍♂️
  7. he is the only one that knows her secrets 😂
  8. she probably is telling her about the multiverse where she hides off camera 😂
  9. this is pointless to watch no one can see anything rlc in a nutshell 😂😂
  10. they barley respond so I don't even bother 🤷‍♂️
  11. this is why I'm not really watching this I peak once a while but no focus on it soon no one will watch b7 if they don't fix the cameras 🤷‍♂️
  12. that pool camera is a horrible angle but I'm not surprised by rlc 🤦‍♂️😂
  13. fior is making sure the girls don't go thirsty he is mixing them drinks 😏😂
  14. karol is more social with the guy 😂 I wish esmi would be doing that 🤦‍♂️
  15. I read a post that someone says thor is a couple with oks? is this true is rlc trying to trick us again 😂
  16. kylie&rus are there now aka beavis&butthead now we all know that daniel shouldn't be that far behind 🤷‍♂️
  17. he stop trying after daniela kept leading him on in teasing him 🤣
  18. I wanna see will one of the guys make a move on karol or is she off cam now with her husband like Marlene is in general now?
  19. this is for anyone who thought something was going to happen with loraine 😂😂
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