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  1. Looks like that they only broadcasting Barcelona's apartments
  2. Apartments dropped down to 8 apartments , RCL closed most of the apartments after 18 hours of Error 503
  3. Hi all, I think she has been instructed to do this by RLC to attract more viewers , if she is talking to her boyfriend then she will have her cam on
  4. Is the night over with disappointment as I predicted... 4 hours of tuning is very good taking into consideration the number of audiences
  5. n situations like this girls should get pissed off as they are not making the boys as Horney as should be
  6. What are the boys negotiating, did the girls ask them for money or what, they are silly to waste time leaving 6 beautiful ----- waiting
  7. RLC canceled my membership, I am following the show after your comments , but believe RLC are doing this deliberately to keep on tuning to RLC and they will ruin the night with a big disappointment and next time we will still have hope to see action
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