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Everything posted by beancounter

  1. I think Lilu is rubbing one off now in the bath tub to many bubbles to be sure
  2. LOL we must think a like almost the exact same post at the same time.
  3. This is real exciting to watch! They are watching a movie together, this should get a lot of new subscriptions. How long has it been since we saw any fun in this apartment. When is the last time they played strip anything. The most we can hope for is catch them in the shower, with the shitty curtain. This project is in major trouble watch the number of viewers it is dropping and fast. Not to long ago their was well over a thousand viewers on more than one cam. Now they are lucky to get 150 on a cam.
  4. Lilu has all but left the program, for the last week she leaves early in the morning and comes home late at night. Yesterday she left at approximately 9:00 her time and got home after 2 in the morning. Milka didn't seem happy with Lilu, and the guest you could see felt like he was in the middle of the argument. For the last week she seems depressed to me, I hope she isn't selling her self short with the new BF. Her phone calls definitely don't seem to be like phone calls between Boyfriend and girlfriend. I am extremely frustrated with VV, I have been one of their biggest fans. However lately, its revolving door of people and no real chemistry between any of them. Milka is trying but she can only do so much by her self. Many of us have asked to have camera angles improved and the issue of curtain in the bathroom fixed, to no avail. They (VV) use to listen to our suggestions however lately not so much. I have about a week left on my subscription and if nothing happens I will not be paying to continue watching Lilu only showering, sleeping and on her phone for short time she is in the apartment.
  5. She is Skyping him now in the bedroom. I do not understand Russian, but it doesn't sound like a conversation between two lovers. I agree she needs to have him come over.
  6. Lilu please put phone down, you are becoming a kill joy. Skyped for over half hour in camera less room then come out and go in bedroom and still on phone very boring to the viewer.
  7. VV needs to tell her this is Voyeur site. The cameras are there for a reason. We are paying her room and board.
  8. She's in the quest bed he's on the couch. Something happen?
  9. Lilu please put your phone down for a little bit. Unless your going to send me a message on CC.
  10. Does anybody know WTF is going on today. I haven't seem either Lilu or Milka all day. Are the two girls there replacement or maybe fill ins, after last night it has me wondering.
  11. Lilu is upset over her phone call tonight. She definitely killed the party mood tonight. I hope she gets past what ever the issue is, she deserves to be happy.
  12. Lilu back in the room on the phone again, if she can't commit to the apartment them maybe she should leave. We saw what happen with Roma, it doesn't work. As much as I like Lilu she needs to do what is best for her, maybe this isn't the right situation for her. Still waiting Lilu!
  13. Once again Lilu gets a phone call goes into room for private conversation. Think its her boy friend calling. he seems quite reserved tonight maybe boy friend influencing her actions. Who ever it is Milka knows him. Could be either Roma or Mark!
  14. You are not alone with this idea. Many weeks ago a 2nd bathroom cam and a transparent curtain was promised. BTW, I had no video stream until 03:12, and now again from 03:27 I have no video either did you email VV
  15. Fredrik why are you so worried about what other are willing to pay for. You don't enjoy watch don't watch. Let others decide how and what they want to spend their money on. Live and let live. Fredrik why are all of your post negative. I like the site and think it has potential. They are going through a learning curve. It has two very attractive girls who are trying to entertain the views. It's not a porn site so if that's what your looking for go some where else. Do I sometimes get bored whit the site, yes. Do I agree with everything that happens in the apartment of course not, however it still watch the site. Like I said it's trying to find itself as are the girls. Rome wasn't built in a day. Lilu I am still waiting :'(
  16. Skype staff meeting going on now! I think the two new guys got their walking papers. Still no PM :'(
  17. Lilu good job sending him home with blue balls. I am still waiting for you to pm me
  18. I think Milka likes the short haired guy, she talks to him a lot and even smiles.
  19. He doesn't give up but seem to be making head way.
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