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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. There are literally 50 million young beautiful women seeking to become models. Do you really think they will pick this beautiful but too small a woman. She can make a lot of money as a print model but will never get higher. Google every super model you have heard of and find out how tall they were or are.
  2. She will NEVER be a supermodel that walks the runways of Milan, Paris, New York, etc. She is not tall enough. You must be at least 1.75meters. She also has too much ink. That is not to say she isn't a beautiful woman, but will not be a supermodel as I know them to be.
  3. She isn't tall enough to be a model unless it is for car shows or something similar.
  4. Perhaps Stella will hook up with the same friend of Bruno's as last time or maybe even another friend of Bruno's. We can hope..... One of the best creampie's I've ever seen was with Stella fucking Bruno's friend at the time in the room currently occupied by Pam.
  5. Could she be feeding all this to that web site that everyone keeps asking about.. only something? Also earlier today Linda had a boatload of money she was counting on the bed. I wasn't sure how much but it seemed to be a lot. If anyone has replay perhaps you can check for us. Stacks of it.
  6. Someone said Tesla was nervous because her Fuck session video has now gone Viral. And she evidently has a BF as she Facetimes with someone quite often.
  7. Not sure what this is about but if there are members who offend you use the Ignore switch. I have numerous people on mine.
  8. Yes it is quite bizarre and another odd thing we do in America... we call it a bathroom when all the rest of the world uses the word Toilet. For many years because I have travelled quite a lot I use the word Toilet and if any of my friends question it I tell them "Hey, this is what the rest of the world calls it." Another thing most Americans are not familiar with is having a separate room within the confines of the Bathroom just for the Stool.
  9. I thought you indicated you were in touch with them or had contact with them.
  10. Is this about what we have been discussing? If someone has replay I would love to know if he saw what was on her mobile or if perhaps she made some confession?
  11. Vivian and her beautiful breasts make me think of one of my favorite positions with a woman that has such pointy breasts. Sit on a couch and have her sit on you and you spend all your time sucking on those amazing nipples while fingering her asshole. She doesn't need to move a lot to stimulate her clit. And I still have 5 hours until the GF arrives. 😮
  12. 1am out the door to have some fun on this Tuesday. Not sure why there are so few comments about these two couples. They get along superbly. They have fun together.
  13. Not that it takes 4 minutes to wash a vibrator but Tibor used the vibrator on her the other night and they had not cleaned it as of early today when I was still seeing it on his side of the bed.
  14. I have been meaning to ask if anyone knows if Martina's GF that was here recently is married? I noticed she wore a ring on her 4th finger of the right hand, which is the hand married people wear their wedding ring in Spain. And Russia and other locations too.
  15. Gina is such a free spirit. I just wish she would curb her alcohol and drug use. Not sure it is possible being around Bruno though.
  16. I think it pleasant to see the "twins" outside talking with Bogdan, Nelly and the friend of Bogdan. Do we know his name as it seems he will be around quite often?
  17. StnCld are you talking about Demid because he didn't last long either and was a complete asshole to Dasha. I saw him one time take his finger and rub it all over Dasha's asshole and then stick it in her mouth. One of the rare times I saw her get mad.
  18. Please don't misunderstand me, I love Linda and have always followed her. I describe her to my friend as the woman who sleeps all over the bed. It so fun to watch her when she sleeps (I live in the western time zone of the US) as she moves often during the night into positions that sometimes make you laugh. I saw her one time where she was almost off the bed but still was sleeping. I really hope to be wrong. I don't think she is being physical with anyone other than Tibor. I just think she has a sexting friend.
  19. We raised 4 daughters and when I see Linda doing things that hide them from Tibor whenever he comes into the room I am immediately suspicious. Have you spent any time watching her since she showered a few hours ago? Can you tell me why she changes from the messaging app to another app when Tibor walks into the room or even when he moves in the guest room she pretends to be sleeping. This is not the normal behavior for her or anyone that doesn't have something to hide. Plus she has been messaging now for more than 2 1/2 hours constantly except for when Tibor is in the room when she stops. I hate this as I am a Linda fan and am likely one of the few to watch her numerous times during the day.
  20. Tibor got up from the guest room to get some water and she immediately pretended to be sleeping until he sad back down in the guest room. She immediately went back to texting.
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