Yeah, it looks like she is moving at half-speed, hardly ever talks anymore and is keeping away from her wine. He definitely doesn't treat her the same as he did before their forced Chaturbate "vacation" period - the closest I have seen to any sense of affection between the two since their return is when he kissed her on her forehead after she gave him a blowjob. It must have been a nasty breakup.
I find the names very confusing. They used to be Riley & Amelia. Now they are Riley & Dave. So looks like Amelia (girl's name) has become Dave (guy's name). Riley can be either sex, and the dude's dick is too big to be called a girl, so maybe she had a sex change during their 3 months away and Amerlia became a Dave! I guess time will tell if (s)he takes his/her pants off.