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Everything posted by northguy

  1. Yes, I guess you're right, last night there. Kirsty was for some reason stressed today (said "motherfucker"), so probably tomorrow.
  2. Cams: Indication of new cams (for higher resolution) is change of color. Cam 15 shows the red bedsheet as reddish-brown, while cam 16 (now zoomed more in) shows an orange like red. So these two cameras would be unidentical, and has not been replaced. Cam 10 showed Kristy's iPhone, not sure if she's aware of that. Cam 8 and 9 could be new, not sure. This seems to be a rather big investment of RLC with this setup.
  3. About cameras. Colour seems to be different than previous, not sure. Night vision to be determinated. Cam 11 still without sound, so that people can do their business in peace, makes sense. Cam 17 Maracuya bedroom close up without sound. Must be a mistake.
  4. Conclusion on day 1 in new era. They are moving in and haven't relaxed and revealed the future of this apartment yet. But for me one thing is quite clear: KRISTY IS THE BOSS. Whether that's good or bad, I tend to believe it's very good, as I view Kristy as a social and positive person.
  5. If you said that about Kristy (real world), you would be executed for treason. LOL
  6. Soccer distracts you from the real world: This apartment. LOL
  7. Thx so much, just got my life back. Big news: christmas tree is removed. If these girls behave anyway near what I've "seen", there should be a lot of young girls fun here. The sex though would be problematic, so overcrowded.
  8. RLC's recent update clearly states all 3 new girls as Kristy's FRIENDS. People around here got what they wanted.
  9. WOW. We were all fooled by RLC. The long wait was for 3 new girls with 7 new cameras. All criticism is withdrawn. Beginning of a new era? The future is so bright I need to were shades. LOL
  10. Damn, I get PM's from nice people. Haven't got a clue how to open/access that. Must be a stupid newbie still. Thanks anyway.
  11. I agree. Went too far. No respect for Kami, close to bullying. I don't like that tone. She didn't deserve that.
  12. Hope so too. Worst case scenario new record of more than 43 days as in B2.
  13. Elaborating on cameras: I've counted 334 cams in total plus the 14 in old R1 gives a total of 348 cameras in RLC. The recently added 8 new cams is 2.3% increase. Highscorer is GP with 37 cams, R2 has 19, so R1 with 14 is rather low in comparison. Guess there will be more cameras here including closeups.
  14. As a photografer (TV producer) I don't think the cameras are expensive, therefore I'm puzzled that they aren't all the same model.
  15. To Kristy, RLC. Business proposition. In my country Odin and Thor with countless other gods rules, you might have heard of us from Hollywood. You've been approved as new goddess on one condition. Turn on the cameras and show a piece of paper with "I'm back" and the deal will go through. Sincerely yours, Northguy, CEO Valhalla. In case of no deal, hope to see you soon.
  16. That's OK ze81. You communicate nicely and politely. I think she maybe really likes the guy for pushing her limits in bed, it's new. They both are doing a show, but a lot of cuddling in there and I think they enjoy it, though for me it is very macho.
  17. In the waiting time for the revelation. I've re-read the thread for february, cause it was hectic, and tried to study it more carefully. Specifically who said what, paying attention to the big boys. I've concluded (some may disagree), that the idea that Kristy outmaneuvered Kami and Kaley is not true, it's a conspiracytheori, she's not that cynical. Also for me it was a mistake to suggest, that Kristy handpicked BF to keep the apartment. It doesn't make any sense, since what happens now was planned before she even met BF, and especially the relationship with BF. That's clearly not fake. My apologies to Kristy, she's much better than that. I'm too cynical it appears. BF is not a sugar daddy, they really like each other. This will be nice to follow.
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