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Everything posted by northguy

  1. Yeah, maybe it's more his philosophy of Tantra, she's into. Agree on the poor personality. I'll give you, this is strange.
  2. This doesn't make sense to me. 100% sure he knows, there are cameras in B4. 99% sure he knows, the videos ends up at sex sites. 99% sure he's aware, that someone will recognize him. So he can't be a married man with a kid, cheating, impossible.
  3. Maybe you're underestimating Karma here a little. She's obviously very into the Tantra thing with him, not necessarily his personality. She doesn't seem that submissive to him.
  4. In this deep depression over Tantra guy, some good news: Tesla Model Y sets records by being Europe’s best-selling car for 2023, bye, bye gas cars.
  5. RLC means Resource Learning Center, so kind of education, I guess.
  6. It may be too early to conclude, but it seems, that Massimo stays away from B4, and that Aziza doesn't visit him in B7. We'll see.
  7. I'm not a mind reader of Daytona, so just my opinion. RLC is a business, so just as Voyeur House, they adapt to the modern World. Maybe you haven't.
  8. So I got 3 likes on that nerdy one, thank you so much. My dream is to escape evil Earth, to go to Mars, and now we're 4, which is enough for a crew. It will be a blast, literally. 😀 See you at take off, Daytona. ❤️
  9. But having the "upper hand", it's OK to put shit on them (the gays). Got that. Which fundamentalistic church is that, by the way?
  10. Frank Zappa was the living concept of woke. A very, very different character, admirable.
  11. So for the thread: It's up to you to evaluate this loser. One argument would be to look at the intellectual level, (if you can find it). "Gefundenes Fressen".
  12. So there we have it. Anybody having sex without Frank, are woke. A dangerous game, as seen here with Fenry Honda. (Spoiler: I'm personally against the death penalty).
  13. I don't care at all. I'm into good people like Karma, who does both women and men in sex. That's totally fine with me. Sorry that I'm so modern (woke ?).
  14. Donate Wafer a cup of coffee, and get the answer. But you're right, it would be so much more interesting.
  15. Same here. In the old days, gays were criminals, not any more. Culture change is what it is.
  16. The Pope does, are you above him? Secret news: Yes, so village fool for sure.
  17. The moral police has just shown it's power. Don't worry, the penalty bill is outdated, even before it was written. Never pay the village fools and fund the extreme right.
  18. Leora is a successful show girl. Karma is not that at all, but a personality in another way. "Her fans are just seeing her pass by, but still loves her till we die." You know that quote for sure. 😀
  19. Yes, when we understand what they're saying, it's a hole other level. Otherwise we're left with body language.
  20. Yes, in my opinion. In the controversy with Massimo over a leaked video, Daytona revealed herself as not only a much stronger person than her friend Sara, but both more mature, intelligent and self confident than Sara, so the idea, that Daytona is just a laughing follower of Sara is completely wrong. It's the other way around. Daytona, just as Karma, are the people Sara relys on, to help her figure out things. Sara is a weak character in this environment, she has no chance against Massimo without her friends. Daytona is here on a mission to promote trans/gay people, so normally avoids conflicts/keeping a low profile, but she's not submissive at all behind that.
  21. Hey Ash, I'm a guy, and thought somewhat the same. The slow thing is good, but can be exaggerated. I would be just as pleased to get a 1 hour BJ, as pissed off by not being finished. The guy here always finishes, but Karma never does.
  22. Until this video is played. The answer by the way is no.
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