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Posts posted by albacore

  1. 1 minute ago, ericjeanjean said:

    It does not matter if he drugged her or not (well it does it's just that in one case it's much worse). When he was in bed with anna she was barely functionning, you just go away. Worse with Stella after that. And if you read again what I said the girls "innocence" doesn't matter. It could be the number 1 prostitute in the world who just had a gangbang with 40 guys and 2 horses, if she's wasted you just go the other way. It's as simple as that

    Exactly.  I think that is the reason that Megan and Rebecca kept their distance at B2 when they had the party.  

    I have no issue with what they do and would not be surprised is some exstasy was enjoyed (but I have knowledge either way - just observing behavior) so don't jump in my shit. But they all seemed more into each other than him.  And it was clear he was more into them.  With the exception of Anna.  When I was watching - I am pretty sure she knew what she was doing.  I could have missed something though.

    The real question is why did they allow him to stay around and participate so much?  And for two nights!   Per Kitek translation they all met him for the first time the other day - except for Lola.   Kind of weird.  But if I were him I would have wanted to stay too.

  2. 2 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

    He is a fucking creep,,If you didn't know this guys,,,he woke up and took a piss in Lola's bathtub,,,and on his way back to lay down next to her he took out his phone and took a picture of her pussy while she slept.

    Throughout the night while all the ladies were fucked up and out of their minds he was trying to touch everyone of them,,,in Lola's room he was rubbing Belle's feet while stroking his dick in the dark.

    The only 2 females that he stayed away from was the 2 females that have Boyfriends Rebecca and Megan,,everyone else was fair game.

    I think Megan and Rebecca also seemed to keep their distance from him too

    • Upvote 3
  3. 8 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

    Just imagine her spread even wider than this Albacore,,and her dark lipped pussy showing in full view to the camera with the lights on,,and she had 2 vibrating balls going in and out of her pink pussy:heart::heart:


    Yeah I am a little bummed I missed it.  I assumed nothing was going to happen and starting watching Narcos ....... :confused:

    • Upvote 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, ze81 said:

    One thing rlc could do was close an couple or even more apartments like A&k and v&t(that are an totaly failure,remind you that a&k puted an tend in livingroom so that they can do things,and they are most out the house,and v&t are most out..and when in house nothing at all happens..)Right now there is 17aparyments..rlc should listen users and close some of this and give us better quality in general and even reduce an little the price,but of course that won't happen and Probrably gona be 20apartments or more in future.

    Why would they close any apartments? They must have an investment in cameras and installation costs - why would they just shut them down??   The ones that are a total failure to some - others may like.  There are some that I hardly ever look at, but others seem to like them.  

    Personally I would love to see 20 apartments.  The more the merrier as far as I am concerned.   When some are dead others may not be. Isn't that a good thing?  Why complain about how many apartments they have as if it is too many?  Now if you are complaining about camera quality or location then that may make sense - but to say close some that you don't like??  

    • Upvote 1
  5. 1 hour ago, euromike69 said:

    Not everyone can be like Irma,,she dances because it comes naturally to her,,plus she doesn't need instructions on how to dance or twerk,,,some people have it,,while others have to learn it on their Ipad.

    Damn,,just 3 days and I'm already missing irma already,,,,RLC if there was a good time to get an apartment like K&K,,we would love to have an I&I apartment,,,,,Ilona and Irma have earned their own place back home now.::):heart:

    That would be great but I don't think they actually go back "home" much.  I am pretty sure they have lived all over Europe on an "on going" basis.  It would be great if they did get an apartment though!

    • Upvote 1
  6. 10 minutes ago, euromike69 said:



    Wow - I have been away for a few days and now Megan is much more aggressive - feeling rebecca's breasts in the tub and hanging nude and also topless in living room.  I&I left anna moved - Harley in quiet mode LOL  -  it's like a new place.

  7. 2 hours ago, StnCld316 said:

    Irma arrived June 10th so 90 days will be September 7th.  Then it will be another 90 Days before she can apply to come back.

    Why?  I keep asking this and I don't get a reply.  You assume they have the visa requirements that they may not have.  Many of these girls have lived in Europe for a while and they have resident status - like Rita does now.  We really have no idea when they will leave and the 30/60/90 days may not apply to these girls as they did with Nora's girls.  They came from Russia but some of them now are all over the world and out of their native country for a long time.  

    I am just saying that the old rules may not apply to these girls.

  8. 22 minutes ago, CowArt said:

    Oh man, the suspense is killing me here. Will Polya be in the apt for a whole two hours in three days? Will Stella's dinner give her gas? Will Ilona get carpal tunnel from using two phones to text? Will Irma continue to nap on her back or will she roll over to her side later on? 

    Thats pretty funny!  And unfortunately real life .....

  9. 1 hour ago, Blue&Bonnie said:

    I don't have high expectations for the girls apt. It back where it all way been but in the mouth of July I saw a big difference in the 1st apt & i never miss a day from not watching the girls apt so i no very well how thing are with the girls but in July there was some thing i never seen happen in the apt & i thought it was the new change but now it back the way it use to be. Back before July did you see girls going to the sex shop & buying vibrators & come back and using them on top of the cover

    I do not keep track of what happens when - but yes I have seen them use vibrators before.  Nora had hers and used it.  Other would masturbate some in the open and others more covered.  

    I understand your point - but like everything in these apartments it is only a flash of something new and then back to the routine.  Which I am actually fine with as it makes the good moments that much better.  

  10. 10 minutes ago, Blue&Bonnie said:

    Yea there BF really fuck thing up in the apt. I can't believe what we saw in July with Ilona Polya & Irma using there toy Then they being apt 2# on line & it a dead apt. You would think they set that apt up like apt 1#. Some thing going on with RLC. I don't think the girls can make the money they use to in the apt so now they are having to find work outside the apt now. If they are still doing viewer fee & bonuses it must not be much now to encourage the girl to show much or do much sexual activity now

    Generally speaking - the Barcelona apartment was never an apartment where they were always performing.  It always went in spurts where they would masturbate or play and then nothing for a couple of weeks or longer sometimes.  If they were getting a fee in the past that has now been changed then I just don't see that much difference.  

    Weather is was Nora or Irma or Kamilia or Anna - the play was never constant and always hit or miss.  It seems that you have higher expectations for these apartments than what is reality.  These apartments have always  been more about the people than the show.  When the show happens it is great but it is not consistent and IMHO never has been.  So I guess I just don't see any difference to complain about.

    • Upvote 3
  11. 1 hour ago, beaver67 said:

    which means it's a safe bet that she is not leaving on the 1st- when her time is up ??????- guess she will be 3 months

    Just out of curiosity why does everyone think there is a 3 month limit for these girls at RLC.  The girls there now do not seem to be tied to the visa requirements that limit them since they seem to have lived all over Europe. Nora stayed (her last tour) a year in the apartment and was still in Barcelona after she left. Rita can stay longer than the 6 months of the visa requirements.  

    For all we know they can stay as long as RLC lets them.  Am I mistaken on this subject?

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