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  1. I have certainly changed my mind. Wow, what I have seen lately from Alana is sheer beauty and eroticism, keep up the hot show sexy girl. Those lovely moments when you have your legs open in the bathroom or on the bed expecially when laying on your belly, you are a diva Alana. Я, конечно, передумал. Ух ты, что я видел в последнее время от Аланы, это чистая красота и эротизм, продолжай сексуальное шоу горячей девушки. В те прекрасные моменты, когда у вас открыты ноги в ванной или на кровати, особенно когда вы лежите на животе, вы королева и дива Алана. YA, konechno, peredumal. Ukh ty, chto ya videl v posledneye vremya ot Alany, eto chistaya krasota i erotizm, prodolzhay seksual'noye shou goryachey devushki. V te prekrasnyye momenty, kogda u vas otkryty nogi v vannoy ili na krovati, osobenno kogda vy lezhite na zhivote, vy koroleva i diva Alana.
  2. Алана скупой человек. она не любит показывать свое тело. Кристи щедрая девушка, у нее всегда широко раскрытые ноги в ванной Alana skupoy chelovek. ona ne lyubit pokazyvat' svoye telo. Kristi shchedraya devushka, u neye vsegda shiroko raskrytyye nogi v vannoy Alana is a stingy person. she does not like to show her body. Kristy is a generous girl, she always have legs wide open in the bathroom
  3. Mate rather than plumbing/plumbers, and if you say the doors have no locks, its definitely a locksmith you need Lol
  4. Maybe i am missing something? Since day 1, she is very particular about showing, even panties !!! I mean look at the way she puts her pants on still wearing her robe !!! Yet , a couple of hours later, she is in full masturbation mode on cam although with lights off !... Weird
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