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Everything posted by Moosecini

  1. She had 2 friends with her, but they're hauling stuff. Nobody in any of the locations are prepping for a party in any way, so if there is one tonight, it's off-cam. Which someone mentioned earlier, makes no sense, since she's not leaving town that we know of. I did have a theory that she might be moving back to her home town, but nobody entertained that possibility. There might still be a party tomorrow for all we know. Right now, it's dead all over. Even though parties historically start late, I really can't see anything happening tonight.
  2. Left with a lot of stuff, but there's still quite a bit more... AND Taco. Ain't over yet people!
  3. Clearing off the fridge. That's going to look weird after all this time. I guess the little whiteboard that's had her name on it is staying.
  4. Oh damn. That song by Maroon 5. Came out RIGHT when I split with my ex after 20 years. That song fucking killed me.
  5. MIGHT be the last time we see that. 😕 Although... until the drawer of knickers empties out and the robe disappear, I guess we could see it again.
  6. MMM.... Karma, Octavia and the guest in one room. I'll take it.
  7. Well, it's almost 6p there and no activity in B4 or B7 and only Alberto showering in the apartment. If it's tonight, I'd say it's off-cam. 😟 Guess we'll see.
  8. What will be funny is with all Martina's stuff gone, guests will show up for the party and it'll look like they just got robbed!
  9. So, is there a reason Ulyana isn't listed as "on vacation" or whatever? RLC is ignoring the fact that she's completely MIA.
  10. I agree that those two would be a pain in the arse if held in either B4 or B7. I'm thinking that it wouldn't really be a HUGE party, given many of the girls she knows from RLC aren't active anymore. Some are still available, but it wouldn't be packed. I would think her school/off-cam friends (including GF4) wouldn't really bother to show up for a RLC send-off, because they'll still see her like they do any other day. It would also allow her to invite whom she wants (no L & W), rather than them just being there because they live there.
  11. Hoping to hear if Noldus know where it will be, although, I think you'd have to be blind not to be able to find it when it happens!
  12. If the farewell party is On Saturday, according to Noldus, then likely her name will be off or replaced by whatever RLC decided to call Juliet on Monday morning. That'll be a historic day for RLC and CC. Whatever will we speculate/fantasize about with her completely gone?!? 🤣
  13. Do you know, will the party be in the apartment or at B4 or B7?
  14. Well, THAT'S specific. Saturday afternoon, huh? We'll see what we see.
  15. Yes. Took it with her when she just left. It'll be back to fill again... and again.
  16. Still a lot of stuff to move. Doubt if it'll get done by Monday. Still thinking it won't be OVER till month end, especially if a contract is involved.
  17. Makes sense to try to assemble a bike in the dark. 🤨 Why doesn't he do that in the living room?
  18. So, I looked up that bike. 900 Euros on average new. Schiano Galaxy 20 Electric and foldable 20" bike. That's a chunk of change.
  19. After so many years in that apartment, I'd bet while cleaning out the closet she found things that brought back a lot of memories. They had a great relationship for a long time, so it doesn't surprise me that she got emotional. Obviously, GF4 is still in the picture to some degree given the video call yesterday, but I think it's just the reality of having to live more of a REAL life now, much more on her own, and without RLC to fund a carefree lifestyle. REAL reality is sinking in.
  20. Very cordial and lots of time together today with M & J. Looks like they're getting along again.
  21. Yeah, it's brand new. Delivery guy brought it earlier. She's been unwrapping it and trying to assemble it since.
  22. Martina and Juliet left together?? Interesting.
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