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Everything posted by emoemily

  1. Is megan packed to leave soon? hopefully with her gone less guys in the apartment, i dont mind the odd guy coming in for some fun but when they stay all day over several days it gets annoying
  2. Yeah, when i first joined it has 15-16 active girls now we are down to 3, i thought they might be getting ready to close but apparently they might be adding more cams? maybe trying to let the older members leave, do the work that needs to be done and then relaunch or somthing?
  3. warehouse X, more porn focused, but half the cast left in the last week due to argument with management, nothing ever happening, so looking to come back!
  4. sounds good! the site i left for had some drama so i was looking to come back, i dont watch for the same reason many of you some of you do, i live alone and work form home so its just nice to have something to watch, the sexy stuff is just a huge plus! 🤣
  5. How are things in this apartment at the moment? i used to have it on alot while i worked just to keep me company (sad i know!) but i left for another site thats slowly dieing so looking to come back, is it fun at the moment or a wait a few weeks kind of deal? thank you all
  6. Its been online a while and ive been watching it maybe 2 months? seems new but the last 2-3 weeks the site seems to have scaled back, not as many girls in the house or events, half the time none of the girls have their toys active, hoping it picks up but ive never seen it talked about on here. whats everyone's opinions on it?
  7. I might leave it a few days then to resub, see how it goes
  8. so do their boyfriends just live here now? ive been away fromt he project for a few weeks and im a little confused
  9. i legit just thought the same thing, looked like it, she also moved away from the hug with her hands up as if to say "No" or not happening
  10. just me waiting for b1 to come back
  11. the longer its off line the more i start to doubt it coming back 😬
  12. Hey RLC im free to move in to b1 as well, im a fat goth/emo woman who will wear PJs all day and play mmos, pls pay me 😆
  13. i really hope this isn't the end for the apartment
  14. did they tell you why you got removed from the project?
  15. I don't want to sound mean but i feel like i need to get some popcorn
  16. B1 was what i subbed for, this is kind of sad but i watch because i work from home, it was nice to see their world while i work with this i think im out after a few years of watching, i hope im wrong and they sort it out but i can't see it happening, i will move to a new site
  17. so i tend to watch for a different reason to the rest of you, i live alone and have the cams on in the background, I enjoy watching and seeing their fun lives, but this new group really isn't doing anything for me, they moved the sofa making the place look more messy and are never home. this is the most disappointed i've been on the site and B1 was always my fave. I hate posting negatively but yeah this is disappointing
  18. She seems new to the city she might just be going out to learn where everything is around her as well, but i do agree she needs someone else there she can talk to and spend time with
  19. she arrived wearing a tshirt from musician gerard way, So let my simping commence
  20. is the bathroom light broken? or does she just like showering in the dark
  21. Instantly won over by the fact shes in a t-shirt from my fave musician of all time
  22. or no new girls show up and this is the end of the website! 😬
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