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Posts posted by emoemily

  1. 21 minutes ago, charliefoxx69 said:

    You kinda wonder about this guy.

    He may be nice, but not very bright.

    After breakfast he said he had to leave at a certain time, then Nan said she wanted to get in the pool.

    Nan is like Vivian she operates at her own pace and only does what she wants, when she wants.

    He has to have no life or just wants to see if he can "score" with as he put it crazy Ukrainian girl.

    My opinion here, I said before Nan is a traditional girl and doesn't want to fall into what she has seen from T&E.

    She is not gonna just slip and fall on the next hard on. She just won't.

    Why I refer to him as mr.useless, last night it was funny and i hoped he would succeed now its just getting a little depressing, the guy should leave say somthing sweet to her as he is leaving to "leave her wanting more" kind of thing. If his approach is i am going to stay here until she sleeps with me, well i think we found our new tenet 😆  

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  2. Since i started watching on and off last year ive seen a few guys in B4, normally they talk a good game and are great at saying the right thing, "mr perfect" act to the girls and it ends in okay sex. I am hoping this guy has some luck, he seems to have 0 game, no clue what hes doing and some other "small issues" good luck mr.useless! its nice to see the "little guy" get his chance 

    • Haha 3
  3. with out someone to translate what was said, and they whispered so even that would be hard its hard to work out whats going on.  Nelly could be burnt out, it could be somthing going on we missed or it could be something outside the apartments like unwell family/friends, i hope she feels better soon or gets a break from the villa and they bring in a few new people 

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