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Posts posted by Aroel69

  1. 18 minutes ago, xanadu said:

    Je traite wingtsun de sale type parce qu'il s'approprie le travail des autres et vous continuez a lui donner des like ! Sous un autre surnom j'ai déjà cessé une première fois de poster et dorénavant xanadu va se faire très discret sur CamCaps ce qui m'évitera de m'énerver.

    I treat dirty guy's wingtsun because he appropriates the work of others and you continue to give him likes! Under another nickname I already stopped a first time to post and now xanadu will be very discreet on CamCaps which will save me from annoying

    I understand your annoyance but personally, I don't know who made the capture of the one who shares the video. When in doubt, I give a like and thank the person who posted the video.

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