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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes September 2017

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1 minute ago, rosey 1 said:

No, you don't know obviously. You're telling me that the roof is only for B2? Think man! That makes no sense what so ever..

You can't go to a public space and expect privacy. The only place to get privacy is to a private space..

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1 minute ago, lemondrop said:

Rosey it's ok I m not sucking them so I don't care 

I know it's ok and I don't know what sucking them means. My point is if one expects privacy...then one must go to a private place. Im not just talking about B2, but anyone... Pillows have not one damned thing to do about expectation of privacy..

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Not watching but let me Gess what happened..the girls and dudes just teased,if any of the dudes tried something more the girl Probrably make him stop,and lots lots of kisses and talk in balcony.Then the dudes will leave and tomorrow or something's the girls and them will have fun..in other place.But already seing people saying nothing happens because the dudes are drunk..sure..this girls never have fault of absoluty nothing..

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