Lewis Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 I love Leora. She's back ... AND ... no one can take this joy from me .... ahahahah 4
zone51 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 if she is here not for vacation but as permanent i don't know what she will do alone here in prague, she can have the visit of ulyana/marat before they come back home 1
zone51 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 don't remember if when donna/steve lived in this apartment there was a free cam or not? 1
punxkink Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 2 minutes ago, firewall said: don't remember if when donna/steve lived in this apartment there was a free cam or not? There was 1 free living room and 1 free kitchen cam 2
zone51 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 Just now, punxkink said: There was 1 free living room and 1 free kitchen cam ok thanks but now leora is here no more free cams lol they need suscribers 2 1
arnetveita Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 7 minutes ago, bobo5838 said: what time zone is she in??? gmt+2 1
Rod001 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 1 hour ago, corboblanc said: like ulyana, leora is only on vacation in prague, i think she will stay there no more than 1 month. so these next few days are just a small bonus that you have to take advantage of. Hi corbo, she is officially at RLC on the part RooMate and Single with Masha this is a full Premium 34$ /mounth with replay include no Free cams, but at this moment i'm not sure it's not a Big Joke from RLC, because I took the subscription for 1 months (and yes I'm addicted to the pure Leora from the beginning) new formula and in the replay have the pictures back and oddly the girl who is supposed to be leora is all the time of back (I do not know if this is marketing) and when she moves she avoids looking at cams, however she moves fast as Leora did before, in the first pictures, she is back in the kitchen (white blouse skirt in short jeans). Bonjour corbo, elle est officiellement chez RLC dans la partie Roomate & Single avec Masha . C'est une full Premium de 34 $ / mois avec le Replay sans free cams, mais je ne suis pas sûr que ce ne soit pas une grosse blague de RLC, car j’ai pris l' abonnement pour un mois (et oui je suis accro au pur Leora depuis le début) nouvelle formule et dans la relecture des images du Replay curieusement la fille qui est supposée être leora est tout le temps de retour (je ne sais pas si c'est du marketing) et quand elle bouge, elle évite de regarder les caméras, mais elle bouge aussi vite que Leora, dans les premières images, elle est de retour dans la cuisine (jchemisier blanc et jupe en jeans courte) To be continued / A suivre @StnCld316 you can create a topic there is a Leora officially at RLC on Roomate / Single. 2
Rod001 Posted August 14, 2019 Posted August 14, 2019 I Think it's not a joke / Je pense que ce n'est pas une blague. j'ai cru reconnaitre sont fameux petit soupir mais elle reste penchée sur son gsm et ne se retourne pas, donc après 15min pas de visuel de sont visage, elle viens de se déplacer au living (toujours dans le replay, dans la nouvelle version vous avez un Replay en temps réel en plus des séquences comme avant 😊), pas de visuel elle tourne le dos aux cams, mais elle est au téléphone et la voix est celle de Leora, je ne sais pas a quoi elle joue, cela resemble au jeux du chat et la souris total mdr. I thought I recognize are famous little sigh but she is still bent over her mobile phone and do not turn around, so after 15min no visual of her face, she just move to the living room (still in the replay,in the new version you have also the replay in real time in addition to sequences as before 😊), no visual she turns her back on cams, but she is on the phone and the voice is that of Leora, I do not know what she plays, it resembles the cat's game and the mouse total lol. To be continued / A suivre @StnCld316 I confirm you can create a topic there is a Leora officially at RLC. 1
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