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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 5

pulo filipe

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Leora sortie habillé chiquement jupe cuir noir collant noir elle a amené de qu’oi mangerdans un sac rideaux fermé sapin eteint ou la reverra peut etre demain ou dimanche apres tout les coup de fil quelle à recu aujoudhui et les sms quelle à envoyé Bonne soirée

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
44 minutes ago, patou said:

Leora out dressed chicly black leather skirt black tight black she brought from oi eat in a closed curtain bag fir turned or will see her maybe tomorrow or Sunday after all the phone call to recu to the playinghui and the text messages what sent Good evening

Which phone call are you referring to Patou? Because the ones i have seen today have all been to Paul, just like the ones last night.

Do you have the time it happened? 

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
4 hours ago, Brokk! said:

Leora does not return before Sunday, she also took dinner away from the refrigerator and took at least 2 plastic bags. But at least Malia should go home, since she left the entrance light. Maybe.

Malia will most likely be away at least one night again if it follows the pattern.

Leora could be back before curfew, but who can say. She could be going to see Loverboy again. But who knows, maybe not. Once she is outside, we can't see a thing!!

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
Just now, pulo filipe said:

leora went all day with Paul on the phone and tablet 

That's what i have witnessed, too, but maybe there was a call to Pussyboy that we missed.

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mais les coup de fil ont très courts car d habitude c’est beaucoup plus long, mais je comprend pas le russe si c etait paul je suis content et rassuré peut être elle ses rendues chez une copine avec sa nouriture alors ???

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
5 minutes ago, patou said:

but the phone calls are very short because usually it's much longer, but I do not understand the Russian if it was paul I'm happy and reassured can be her returned to a girlfriend with her food then ???

 Some of the stuff she took was rubbish to throw away outside. She spoke to Paul twice this afternoon in the bedroom and kitchen. If you can say when these short calls happened?

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