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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 9

pulo filipe

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
3 minutes ago, marco6742 said:

Wasn't really much more to say unless it all happens really, I got a bit distracted, thought it was gonna get all smiles and rubs again but it seems to have taken a turn for the worse, it's almost like they've had an argument

There is defo something. Ok, if she has come home in a huff over him, i get that. But that wouldn't explain why they haven't taken any notice of one another at all. Nothing. Yet yesterday they were having a chuckle. Fuck knows, but summut's up between them.

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3 minutes ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Appears to be. Not a single word spoken.

Vediamo domani cosa faranno e si diranno. 

Non è comunque bello da vedere da qualsiasi angolazione questa situazione...ho paura che siano spuntati dei problemi proprio per il loro stile di vita. Non mi sorprenderei se avessero due opinioni diverse su cosa fare su RLC. 

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
4 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

‎Let's see tomorrow what they do and say. ‎

‎It's still not nice to see from any angle this situation... I'm afraid problems have popped up because of their lifestyle. I wouldn't be surprised if they had two different opinions on what to do on RLC. ‎

Yeah. When you go from being ok one day, then apart only to then ignore each other, and it's both too, not one, something has been said or changed or whatever. It's the timing that does it for me. Apart all these days and nights, and now this. But knowing what they are like, it will be as if none of this happened tomorrow.

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By the way , with the whole atmosphere in the apartment , Leora proves a truly professional 😇 The fans will always come first for her ( of course she needs to satisfy her horny mood also  😁😂

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
Just now, pulo filipe said:

Everything is fine with the girls tomorrow 

Well let's hope so, no grudges or anything hanging.

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2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

By the way , with the whole atmosphere in the apartment , Leora proves a truly professional 😇 The fans will always come first for her ( of course she needs to satisfy her horny mood also  😁😂

SÌ bello, però poteva anche masturbarsi PRIMA, molto prima. 

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1 minute ago, Slipper Guyquad said:

Well let's hope so, no grudges or anything hanging.

Mettila così, la notte porta consiglio. 

Mi pare che sia già successo un paio di volte la stessa scena, magari semplicemente Leora voleva masturbarsi e Malia no. 

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