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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 9

pulo filipe

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3 minutes ago, Barni said:

I wish you all good entertainment 👍

I will only say that there’s no worse thing than watching a show when the negativity surrounds a place . I know that when it comes to adult entertainment , the job shouldn’t  be combined with feelings , but in one room you see the reaction of real feelings of one of the girls and on the other , a professional . For fans of real life and not shows , I don’t know how comfortable and respectful towards Malia this is . 

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
3 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Put it like this, the night brings advice.

It seems to me that the same scene has already happened a couple of times, maybe simply Leora wanted to masturbate and Malia did not.

Maybe yes, possible. We don't know if anything like that was offered or suggested. But i still can't see something like that causing such atmosphere.

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5 minutes ago, Brokk! said:

Mettila così, la notte porta consiglio. 

Mi pare che sia già successo un paio di volte la stessa scena, magari semplicemente Leora voleva masturbarsi e Malia no. 

I think the pressure of happiness when you can’t or don’t want or isn’t possible to free yourself from a world of lies , it might have hit Malia’s mind and heart . The worst case scenario , living a life that you need to lie . We have been saying it for months that it was a matter of time before this world collapses . We will see the next days or weeks if this is what really have made  Malia today act in this way .  Perhaps at the end , Malia will prove smarter and understand what real happiness means ( satisfying not  your pocket but your personal feelings ) in comparison to her long time friend . 

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Guest Slipper Guyquad

Well now she's got that out of her system, spoken to Paul already, there's only one thing left! We know what that is. Yippee!

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
2 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

i will be surprised if malia was still here in the morning

I don't think it's that bad!😅

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
Just now, wooders78 said:

shes been away from him for 5 mins and cuddling a toy, not that bad lol

She's had that for weeks, it was one that Leora was throwing away after one of her 945 arguments with Pussyboy. It helps her sleep.

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Just now, Slipper Guyquad said:

She's had that for weeks, it was one that Leora was throwing away after one of her 945 arguments with Pussyboy. It helps her sleep.

we wlii see , she has previous for sneaking out in the middle of the night

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
9 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

we wlii see , she has previous for sneaking out in the middle of the night

That's true, but it was more to do with his work schedule. That ended when the original curfew came in, she hasn't done it since.

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