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Leora and Malia Fans (Positive or Complimentary Comments) - 15

pulo filipe

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il y a 6 minutes, pulo filipe a dit :

belles filles leora et malia  

Leora dans la chambre 

Malia pas de quarto


Malia longue conversation au téléphone
c’est rare

Leora sortie deux fois pour la nourriture

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
8 hours ago, patou said:

I was wondering why her boyfriend is so attached to Léora, finding a girl who accepts everything in point seen sex is an opportunity and for her he accepts everything from Léora to these whims. and I think Léora likes sex too so it can take a long time to follow?

Very simple. He is infatuated and in love with her, so will accept any situation or decision if it means she keeps him in her life in some way. This is why he has taken all the abuse and yelling and arguing. He is scared of losing her full stop, and she knows this, which is why, despite her mood swings affecting the whole thing on a week by week basis, he is still there anytime. Despite 5 toxic months of constant trouble, where any real man would have walked away from it all, not only did they pick it back up 2 weeks later, but he is now Mr. Ideal again - Because he is doing as he's told, everything is on her terms, and only hers. She decides when he can see her - Yes he has work commitments but he doesn't work 20 hours every day does he, and she's hardly 'Busy'. She is in control of it all. BUT equally worryingly - SHE needs HIM just as much as he needs her, but for different reasons. She found the perfect guy with him - Weak, gullible and besotted. She could have searched Prague for a year and never found a better candidate. This is why she can't let go either, and why she has driven herself mad (and to the point of a breakdown) over him but still has to have him around. And why she is right between boyfriend and just f** buddy. She contradicts herself every week, and this is why none of it is either normal or makes any sense. But he puts up with it, and she knows this, hence why it is still continuing in 2021.

That sums it up all in one paragraph. And if she hates this comment, maybe because it's factual?

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il y a 9 minutes, Slipper Guyquad a dit :

Très simple. Il est épris et amoureux d’elle, donc acceptera n’importe quelle situation ou décision si cela signifie qu’elle la garde dans sa vie d’une façon ou d’une autre. C’est pourquoi il a pris tous les abus, les cris et les disputes. Il a peur de perdre son point, et elle le sait, c’est pourquoi, malgré ses sautes d’humeur qui affectent le tout semaine par semaine, il est toujours là à tout moment. Malgré 5 mois toxiques de problèmes constants, où n’importe quel vrai homme se serait éloigné de tout, non seulement ils l’ont repris 2 semaines plus tard, mais il est maintenant à nouveau M. Idéal - Parce qu’il fait ce qu’il a dit, tout est à ses conditions, et uniquement aux siens. Elle décide quand il peut la voir - Oui, il a des engagements professionnels mais il ne travaille pas 20 heures par jour, n’est-ce pas, et elle est à peine « occupée ». Elle contrôle tout cela.

Cela résume tout en un seul paragraphe. Et si elle détestait ce commentaire, peut-être parce que c’est factuel?

oui je suis d’accord avec vous le contrôle parfaitement bien mais un jour peut être il va se lasser 'd’une fois par semaine

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Guest Slipper Guyquad
46 minutes ago, patou said:

yes I agree with you the control perfectly well but one day maybe he will get bored of once a week

He most likely is already, but he cannot change it. And he won't push because it may make things worse. She knows the score. So if he has to wait all week, he will.

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