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Why is she crying?

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Snaky - if you have information that would help here then post it.  If you do not feel comfortable doing that then back off and allow the speculation to go on until people have the information they need to actually know what the situation is. 

By posting that you are aware of something that others are not without disclosing it will make some suspicious and distrusting.  In some cases better to just let things go if you can't or won't fill in the blanks.

My .02 cents

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Just don't pay attention to Snaky's post.  only he knows why he defends this couple when anyone talks bad about one or the other.  Me I'm too busy with my life to care about any couple on RLC or Snaky.  RLC and CC is just something to pass the time with.

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albacore, it was never my intension to interrupt your speculation. I simply confirmed what someone posted about Valera. And this guy, Panther, started coming at me like a bitch in heat.

If u read this boards regularly u will notice that I don't even post that much, only when someone starts talking crap about Angela. And I don't give a shit about the guy. And you're right, I will not disclose anymore information, because you guys don't give a crap about people's feelings

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I think you fell in love in angela. But it is only a illusion for you. Send hearts and augenzwinkern not utilized. because I do not think you come from Petersburg. You write only about vk.com with her because she had given her address free. Let it remain as it is and do not do to other people. She is happy about all the writing she can deflected off a little. I also believe that it is still 1-2 days since the heist for you then just write and view old pictures

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And this guy, Panther, started coming at me like a bitch in heat.

And there YOU go again ....*shakes head sadly*

You have an issue about letting go don't you!

You could have replied without adding unnecessary perceptions of other members.

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the last thing I have now seen is that she has packed a few things the dog and she was gone. But on the table were still paoiere and a passport, looked in any case like this. Maybe it was to leave the papers so that they can visit snaky. She looked at least from happy. Let's see if she comes back or the house from tomorrow is

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She went to visit her friend, she'll be back but yeah she'll be moving out soon. For the last time, Angela is a good friend of mine, so I know things but u will not get more from me than u already have

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