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Did RLC finally have enough?

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This place has been under maint quite a while. Are they moving out? Has RLC finally had enough of their drama? At least it is something to watch and discuss.  Some of the other places are so freakin boring, it's like watching grass grow. Isabel's temper, Lora's baby bump, Leora's sad sex life, Maya's great body and Alma's beautiful ass are the only things worth watching now days. (Just my opinion, all you Nora worshipers)

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Isabel and Marcelo are back in the apartment again--sleeping now.  Looks like nothing has happened between them or with RLC--except lots of downtime for maintenance.

I agree not much is going on now.  In addition to looking on the RLC site, there are fewer posts here because there is less to post about.

I hear that Vika is married and pregnant--good for her, but too bad for RLC.  Her body looked great, and she added some excitement while she was at Nora and Kiko's apartment last summer.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest frenchmytoast

Can somebody inform me as to what is going on in that gif? Are they in like some weird 3 person relationship or

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