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Barcelona Apt. #2 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (Oct. 2016) #1

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What I've seen this week has been no surprise to me. The only surprise is none of you saw it. There's a number of factors in play. The girls screwed up by not keeping what they were doing out of site. Then some people screwed up by flooding RLC with e-mail complaining. (stay out of other people business)  Not just from here either. Then you have people posting. Cheering what they are doing and saying they should keep it up and do more. With all that why would it surprise anyone what RLC did? 

Did RLC over react? No they didn't because both apartments are still online. This goes to what I said about being discreet. I know people do drugs everywhere everyday. But this issue should be allowed to fade into the past. The whole out of site out of mind thing. Let the issue disappear.

I think the girls have been drying out this week and getting back to thinking clearly. From reading today they are starting to perk up and that's a good sign.  They did some hard partying and maybe felt it was time to stop for while. Can't really blame them for that I think most of us have  been there. Plus Lola should be leaving early next week that may also have them down. 

Are the parties we've seen normal? No they are one night things that may not be repeated. Get use to it and stop expecting things. (right like that's going to happen) Will we see the same kind if party again? Maybe if we're lucky. And "IF" we're really lucky the girls will sneak in a little happy water. And should they do so I'd suggest we be discreet about what we say about it. Did you go around broadcasting what you were doing back in the day? Or even now? I think most of you get my point.

Now that I got that out of my head I'm going to open my fourth beer . Thanks for putting up with me and reading this. I hope it makes since and isn't just my buzz talking.



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