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Number of couples...

Guest observer1

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Guest observer1

We currently have eight couples in residence on RLC.

For you long term members has there ever been more at any one time?  It seems to me that eight is about the right number to me to give a good variation.

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I have never seen more then 8 I think I seen as low as 4 but what is important is the time zone mix.  This is a good mix for time zones.  Having all in one time zone they would be on the same wake and sleep schedule.

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Guest observer1

Thanks Dth, I thought that any more could get a little unwieldy and, as you say, a good time zone range as well.

Now all we want is some English speaking couples  ;D

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I wish there was an English speaking couple or two though.

I've just thought, South Africa might not have the privacy laws that the UK and US have. Australia is probably quite tight.

@RLC Spies on this forum Get an apartment in South Africa. P.S. You're all cunts.

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@ Aubrey

While we don not have the strict privacy laws as in the UK and the US, I do not see there being an English speaking house here as it would more than likely be occupied by a African language speaking couple.

We have 13 official languages here including English.

If I compare it to the last Big Brother show they had here it would be a mess.

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Ah ok, thanks for enlightening me Chiller. I was thinking after I wrote that that maybe it adds something to the apartments by not being able to understand them and perhaps they are more free and open as they understand that if there probably aren't as many Russian or Spanish speakers tuning in as Englsih speaking.

Still, I'd be all for more than 8 apartments in different timezones across the globe, SA being one of them, whatever language they spoke! :)

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Guest observer1

I gather from this then that there have never been English speaking couples in RLC.

Is that so?

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At one point, near the beginning there were only three. Eight seems a good number providing all are interesting ones!

When did it start? It would be also be interesting to know what couple has been the best ever, and what flat has been the best so far, in term of cameras and visibility.

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My mind is old and going fast but since I have been around there has never been any english people around. 

As far as apt. goes  I can only think of two that are not active now.  Nora's and  Lora's as far as which had the best set up  look up the old photos in the archives and see what you like the best.

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Alina & Anton's last apartment is also now retired. Its cameras were installed so high up on the wall you could only see the top of people's heads. I never saw Alina's face in those days, so A&A's new apartment is a huge improvement.

I wish they could upgrade Maya's cameras with the same model as Diana & Efim's. Leora could use a bit of coverage in the hallway.

I doubt if RLC will bother with our petty concerns, of course...

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