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Premium Membership

Guest observer1

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Guest observer1

See there is a new addition to the RLC front page - Premium Membership.

Taken one out for a month to see if its worth the extra.

You seem to get:-

A new viewing system which gives a 1 very large, or 2,3 or 4 camera view : quite impressive.

A "motion detector" option. I can't quite see what that does at the moment.  Apart from the obvious, anyone any ideas?

It proves RLC are not content to rest on their laurels at any rate - they are still improving, but at a cost, obviously.

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Guest xvoyeurx

45$ for one month,no sorry,it's too expensive.

j prefer stay with the basic view.

if there is more interesting couples,j say why not but not for the moment.

j think rlc can include this new option in the standard suscription for 30 $ seriously.

if j want see multi screen,j don't need pay 45$,j just need open more windows screen,it's easy.

j will prefer rlc take time for make good casting and make more turn over with couples and not search option for make more money!

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El problema es, ¿quien piensa pagar 45$ por ver esto? :o

A mi me quedan 10 dias de suscripción (pagando 30$) la tengo cancelada y no pienso renovar. Ahora mismo, la situación en los apartamentos de RLC, puede ser la mas aburrida y la mas monótona de la historia. Sin embargo, ahora se plantean que paguemos el doble para ver 4 apartamentos simultáneos a la vez, apartamentos que casi siempre están vacíos, donde nunca ocurre nada... ¿4 apartamentos a la vez, para qué??. Hay que estar loco para malgastar el dinero en esto.

Por mi parte, no gracias, yo no pago ni 3$ para ver la basura en la que se ha convertido RLC.

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Hey guys, I don't post much, but I sent RLC an email today regarding premium memberships and the possibilities of new couples (specifically English-speaking ones). Don't know if this i the best thread to post this in, but didn't want to clog the board unnecessary threads. Anywho, this the response I received "We are working to present new couples on the Site as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we can't specify any deadlines. It could be possible that some of these couples will be English speaking. At this moment there is time-limited special offer - If you already have a Standard Membership, your Premium Membership will be extended by the days left on the current subscription after upgrade." for anyone curious about these subjects.

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Here my initial thoughts on the Premium Membership:

First of all (for the people who do not know), here is what the new tool options do:

The new tools allow Standard and Premium Members to access...

1. keyboard shortcuts - a window pops up and shows a list of keyboard shortcuts.

2. single mode - the view that everyone normally sees...even non-members.

3. single wide mode - larger screen with easy access to change apartment and rooms on top.

The other new tools only allow for Premium Members to access...

4. 2-view mode, one above the other - just like single mode except two screens with one on top of another.

5. 2-view mode, side by side - easy access to to change apartment and room on top.

6. 4-view mode, Multi-Viewer (up to 4) - just like 2-view mode with easy access to change rooms on top.

7. Motion Detection - green dots appear beside apartment and room to let members know when there is any movement.

After having about a day to play around with it (the site, not my dick - not yet anyway), here's my opinion:

1. For those who like using keyboard shortcuts, RLC was thinking about you.

2. Keeping familiarity is always good when making changes.

3. If screen size matters, you're still better off in full screen mode.

For those who like using multiple screens:

4. It makes it easier to view two apartments simultaneously or watch one couple if they are in separate rooms.  Personally, I found this to be beneficial in D&E's living room where I can now watch from both angles from both cams. Also, if a couple moves from one room to the next, then I don't have to wait for the next room to load on screen as I did with single cam viewing nor do I need to have two or more browser tabs pulled up (which slowed the video images). Overall, it appears that any lag time has been reduced, but not eliminated.  In the past, I have experienced lag with single cam viewing while only having one browser open. The benefit with having the cams one on top of the other is that the buttons to change apartments or rooms are on either side of the screen, making it for easier access to all of the apartments.  Most importantly, navigation is very easy once you get the hang of how it functions.

5. Just like option 4 without easy access to all the other apartments/rooms.

6. Just like option 5, except you have four screens to view up to four apartments/rooms.  Personally, I found this beneficial while viewing one couple with three rooms and keeping an eye on another couple with the fourth cam.  I think it will really be useful the next time there is a party.

Motion Detection:

7. It's a very nice tool, but here is what I have experienced.  Some are very sensitive and some are not.  For example, in Leora's and Paul's apartment the motion detector in their apartment didn't seem to come on at all when they were in there.  In contrast, the motion sensors were so sensitive that they seemed to pick up the movement or the blowing curtains in Diana's & Efim's bedroom and kitchen.  Similarly, the motion sensors picked up the movement of the rotating fan in Katya's and Ruslan's bedroom.  And, pets have set off sensors in Alina's & Anton's, Maya's & Stepan's, and Isabel's & Marcelo's as well.  Personally, I found this useful as opposed to clicking on every room trying to find someone, but it can be misleading when the movement comes from an object or pet.

So, the real question comes, "Is it worth getting the premium membership?"  My answer is, "Only if you can afford it."  At this point, it's just an option, not a must.

If all of the couples were more sexually active like Diana and Efim, then, for me, it would be well worth it.  With the present couples in place, all you really seem to be getting is the same old stuff, but with awesome tools...kind of like having a really nice sports car without any road to drive.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

Personally, it would benefit me more if RLC would get more couples (very soon) more like Diana & Efim and create a message board for paying members where we could be allowed to post pics and videos.  When I miss something, I feel kind of cheated after having to pay so much for a membership.

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Are the selected cameras displayed in the browser address bar when you have 2 or 4 cameras in the browser window? This would be handy to be able to store different cameras combinations into the bookmarks. If, for example, I detect that Maya have a party, I can quickly choose a suitable combination of cameras.

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Yes, good job hollywoodmogul, I would not have known about Premium membership if not for you.

Your review is excellent and gives enough information for each and everyone to make their own mind up.

Like you I am unhappy that I pay my fees and am not able to see any action that I miss, which is most of it due to my time zone.


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como bien dice el amigo hollywoodmogul21 todo lo que sea mejoras , esta muy bien si puedes permitirte pagarlas , si la calidad del servicio fuera buena yo creo que a nadie le importaria pagar incluso 50 euros $ , de 30 a 50 son 20 euors que se gasta cualquier persona " normal " en un hobby o en beber unas cervezas , ahora bien la necesidad mas urgente incluso mas que pongan mas apartamentos , es poder ver lo que no as visto , y hay . si que creo que rlf tendria que crear una membresia premium con acceso a las jugadas mas interesantes , un replay es urgente , incluso un foro propio , y sobretodo que no pase lo de ayer que se quedaron en negro las pantallas por la saturacion de usuarios , para muchos nos fue imposible ver a diana y a sofia ayer por culpa del servidor , no estarían de mas unas palabras de disculpa por parte de la empresa .

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Very interesting guys. Thanks for the explanation.

If the guys from RLC are reading these comments they must listen to the key comment. Time Zone differences mean many people miss many interesting 'events'. This forum allowed everyone to share vids and pics and keep people up-to-date. Of course the fact that non-paying RLC people could also view the vids threatens RLC's revenue.

RLC need to allow vid sharing or alternatively allow access to a storage file to view vids and pics. If only fee paying members were given access then revenue could be maintained and I think enhanced. Only being allowed to review 'events' that have happened makes spending extra money worthwhile. To be able to afford it then we have to go and earn it and we also have to be able to sleep! That doesn't leave much viewing time. If we are in the wrong time zone then it will never be worth subscribing.

If RLC and CamCaps can come to the right arrangement both organisations can benefit and this wonderful forum can stay vibrant and entertaining. RLC can only win. We forum members can only win. Win-Win can't be a bad outcome in this complex world!!!

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